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Human Resources

Project Placements

A project placement is an informal, part-time arrangement within Queen Mary where a member of staff (the guest) spends a small part of their working time within another team or department (the host), participating in a project of defined scope and timeline.  Do you have a piece of work that could be supported in this way?

A placement allows the guest to develop skills or gain experience that they can’t acquire in their day-to-day role.  In return, the host team gets some additional capacity and benefits from the knowledge and perspective of a colleague from elsewhere in the University.

Please support this programme by:

  • Creating placements based on the needs of your team
  • Being supportive of colleagues who wish to take up placements elsewhere! While finding time for development opportunities can often be challenging, it should be considered an investment.  Plan ahead and discuss how the ‘guest’ will be able to upskill their team and apply their learning. Currently we have one placement; please share the current placement within your team.

You can:

Over time, these placements should support the sharing of learning and good practice, the breaking down of barriers and silos across Professional Services, and the career development of individual colleagues.

Available Placements

Complete this form to advertise a placement | How can I take up a project placement?

Placement title Intranet Revamp / web design: Professional Service Executive Office
Estimated start date 23/02/2025
Estimated end date 29/06/2025
Host's name Lauren Hall 
Host's department/faculty Professional Services Executive Office (PSEO)
Host's team PSEO
Placement description

Are you looking to enhance your skills in web design and content management? Here’s your chance! We’re offering a fantastic development opportunity to transfer the Professional Services Executive Office (PSEO) intranet site onto a new platform and update its content.

This project is ideal for anyone interested in developing or expanding their web and design skills.

Key Details:

  • Opportunity Type: Individual or Team Project (depending on interest).
  • Timescale: Flexible – Up to 6 months, depending on your availability.
  • Support: You’ll work closely with Senior EA, Lauren Hall, and show a commitment to adhering to QMUL branding and templates, but you’ll have creative freedom to lead the project.
  • Development Opportunity: This experience can enhance your skill set and support your professional appraisal.
Development area(s)

Written communication; web design

Express your interest by 14/02/2025
Contact email


How can I take up a project placement?

If you are interested in taking up a placement, send a message to the host's email address as given in the advertisment above.  Details will be decided between yourself, your line manager, and your host, including:
  • When exactly the placement will start and end
  • How much time (e.g. 2 hours per week) you will devote to the placement
  • How your other commitments will be managed
  • Identifying and addressing any concerns around data security/confidentiality, reasonable adjustments, etc.
When the details of a placement have been agreed, it is the responsibility of the guest (the person doing the placement) to contact and inform the Organisational & Professional Development Team of:
  • Which placement they are taking
  • The start date
  • The end date
This is for OPD team to keep accurate records and monitor the uptake of this programme!
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