Dr John Buchanan, Dr John AG Buchanan, Hons BSc, BDS, MB BS, MSc (Med Ed), FDS (OM) RCPS Glasg, FDS RCS (Eng), MRCP(UK), FRCP LondReader in Oral Medicine and Clinical Education, Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine with Barts Health NHS Trust Office 15, Floor 4, Institute of Dentistry Email: j.a.g.buchanan@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 (0) 20 7882 2386Room Number: Office 15, Floor 4, Institute of DentistryProfileTeachingResearchPublicationsProfileJohn Buchanan is a Reader in Oral Medicine and Clinical Education, and Honorary Consultant and Clinical Lead for Oral Medicine in the Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry QMUL / Barts Health NHS Trust. He has a particular interest in Quality Assurance of Assessments and has previously been Lead for Quality Assurance within the Institute of Dentistry and LDS, and Deputy Lead for Quality Assurance for the Overseas Registration Examination. He is currently Director of Taught Programs. He studied both dentistry and medicine at the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guys and St Thomas' Hospitals, University of London. During his dental studies he additionally obtained an intercalated BSc in Anatomy and Basic Medical Sciences. Prior to undertaking specialist training in Oral Medicine he obtained general medical experience and was awarded MRCP(UK) in 2001. He undertook specialist training in Oral Medicine at the Eastman Dental Hospital, UCLH, London and the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust between 2002-2005 and was awarded FDS (OM) RCPS Glasg. He was awarded FDS RCS Eng ad eundem in 2010. He was elected FRCP London in 2014. In 2018 he completed an MSc in Medical Education at the Royal College of Physicians / University College London and continues to act as an invited teaching facilitator on the RCP’s Peer Support Network / Doctors as Educators course. He is an External Examiner for Kings College, London and has previously acted as an External Examiner for the Eastman/UCL, Glasgow University and Plymouth University. During the period 2013-18 John Buchanan was a Board Member on the Specialist Advisory Committee in the Additional Dental Specialties (SACADS) representing the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow. Since demitting, he has continued to play an active role in Oral Medicine Specialist training in the United Kingdom and acts as an external representative on Oral Medicine Annual Review of Competency Progression panels. He is educational supervisor for two Oral Medicine trainees at Barts Health NHS Trust. Centre: Centre for Teaching InnovationTeachingIn addition to his academic duties as Director of Taught Programs for the Institute of Dentistry, John Buchanan is a passionate and enthusiastic clinical teacher. He is closely involved in teaching and assessing Clinical Human Health and Disease, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology within the Undergraduate course and a number of Postgraduate programs. He has developed interactive teaching strategies for large and small groups as well as at the chairside. Owing to his interest in assessment design, quality assurance and psychometrics he is significantly involved in the development and delivery of the assessment portfolio in the Institute’s BDS program. In addition to being Chair for Dental Examination Boards he is also Deputy Chair for Part 4 MB BS. He is co-leading on the review and design of the BDS and BSc curricula and is a co-opted member of the oversight committee of the MB BS curriculum review board. He represents Dentistry on Taught Programmes Board, QMUL. He has previously been an elected member of QMUL Senate.ResearchResearch Interests:His clinical research interests include the aetiology, epidemiology and management of immune-mediated mucocutaneous diseases and burning mouth syndrome. With regards to teaching, learning and assessment in medical and dental education, he is actively involved in research projects relating to peer observation of teaching, strategies for developing the teaching skills of part-time clinical educators, clinical curriculum development and delivery and diversification, quality assurance of high stakes clinical examinations, gender inequalities in clinical academic careers, barriers to career progression for clinical academics in medicine and dentistry and fitness to practice.Publications AGS Lumsden and JAG Buchanan. “An Experimental Study of Timing and Topography of Early Tooth Development in the Mouse Embryo with an Analysis of the Role of Innervation.” Arch. Oral Biol. 31 (5) 301-311. 1986 F Fortune and JAG Buchanan. “Oral Lichen Planus and Coeliac Disease.” Lancet. 341(8853); 1154-1155 (Letter), 1993 JAG Buchanan and F Fortune. “Delayed Diagnosis: Bilateral parotid enlargement as a presenting feature of bulimia nervosa in a post-adolescent male.” Postgraduate Medical Journal 70(819):27-30. 1995 JAG Buchanan, AS Hasan, L Churchill, F Fortune. “Atypical Palatal Ulceration.” Postgraduate Medical Journal. 71(831):55-56. 1995 JAG Buchanan, A Morris, F Fortune. “A mechanic who coughed up blood for 15 months.” 350(9070): July 5, 28. 1997 All publications