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Alternatives to Medicine and Dentistry

Welcome to our Alternatives to Medicine and Dentistry digital content hub. Here, you’ll find information and resources to help you understand the variety of science courses that are related to Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary University of London, and the opportunities these can bring. 

The hub will be regularly updated with videos, case studies and other content to support you with your planning, so be sure to check back in regularly so you don’t miss out! 

Given how fiercely competitive university places are to study Medicine and Dentistry, it is important that students applying to these courses think carefully about alternative courses that they might also enjoy studying at university – typically their ‘5th Choice’ on their university application. 

Dr Emma Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology & Innovative Therapeutics at Queen Mary, provides students who are interested in applying to Medicine or Dentistry with an overview of the alternative pathways that are available, at university and beyond.

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