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Research Programme Directors

As part of the ongoing development of the IHSS, the Faculty has committed to funding and supporting these Research Programmes Digital Lives (Humanising the Digital), Environmental Futures (Climate Change as Socio-cultural Phenomenon), Rethinking Work (Global and Local Ethnographies of Labour) and Global Epistemologies (Taking Stock of New Cultural, Medical, Political, and Social Knowledges). 

IHSS Research Programmes capture and channel research energies in emergent areas, building on the previous IHSS “Research Themes” with a longer-term commitment. These Programmes will result in both short-term outputs (such as events, reports, convenings and conversations) and longer-term legacies (be it research grant applications or more permanent spin-off networks and processes).

Research Programme Directors will each take responsibility for developing a Programme of activity related to areas of up-and-coming interest and innovation within the Faculty. 

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