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School of History

Dr Stefan Visnjevac




I am a medievalist, specialising in the history of late medieval and early Renaissance Italy. I was a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and lecturer at the University of Roehampton until 2016, following which I began teaching at Queen Mary.


Research Interests:

My research interests have primarily focused on late medieval preaching and sermons (a booming education/entertainment industry back then!). I have previously worked on the relationship between preachers and urban governments, and have written on the life and works of the influential Dominican preacher Leonardo Mattei da Udine (1399-1469). More recently, my research focus has shifted in two directions: first, I have been building a database of teaching careers at medieval universities in Italy. Second, I am assisting in research of societal responses to the Black Death through surviving wills and testaments from Italy and England.


‘Law as the Sermon: The Sermones quadragesimales de legibus of Leonardo Mattei da Udine’, in “Verbum et ius”: Predicazione e sistemi giuridici nell’Occidente medievale/Preaching and Legal Frameworks in the Medieval West, eds. L. Gaffuri & R. M. Parrinello (Florence: Firenze University Press, 2019) , pp. 213-228

‘“As We Sin in Forty Ways, So We Fast for Forty Days”: Sermons for a Confessor’, in eds. P. Delcorno, E. Lombardo, L. Tromboni, I sermoni quaresimali: digiuno del corpo, banchetto dell’anima/Lenten Sermons: Fast of the Body, Banquet of the Soul, Memorie Domenicane, 48 (Florence: Nerbini, 2018), pp. 145-166

‘RAMPEGOLO, Antonio’, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, volume 86 (Rome: Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2016), pp. 322-325

‘“Equip Yourself to Inflict Vengeance...Thus it will be Recognised that You are the Founder of Peace”: Laudation and Attempted Persuasion through a Sermon for the Emperor Sigismund’, in The Mediaeval Journal, 4:2 (Autumn, 2014), pp. 63-82

‘Cooperative Intervention: Sermons Supporting the Governing Authority in Fifteenth-Century Italy’, in Churchmen and Urban Government in Late Medieval Italy, c. 1200-c. 1450, eds. A. Pincelli & F. Andrews (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 285-303

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