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School of History

School of History Welcome Week 2021

Congratulations to those of you who are joining us at the School of History at Queen Mary University of London! We very much hope you will enjoy your studies with us and we look forward to welcoming you in person soon. Welcome back to those of you who are returning for your second or final years with us, it's good to be back. This page outlines details of Welcome Week, which begins on 20 September 2021.

For everyone’s safety, you will notice that as was the case last year, our larger welcome, information and advice sessions will be held online rather than in really big groups in lecture theatres. This year, our smaller meetings, including our adviser sessions and some smaller cohorts, will meet in person. This mirrors our teaching this year and should mean everyone is able to have a safe and fun week of welcome activities.

It is important that you engage with as many sessions as possible and that we work together to guarantee you get the great education you deserve. 

The best way to keep others safe and maximise in-person opportunities is to get vaccinated as soon as possible. There will be a vaccination centre on campus at the start of the semester where you can get your first or second jab. But please don’t wait – get vaccinated as soon as you can.

If you have been told to isolate or are experiencing any Coronavirus symptoms - please do not attend an in person session. Get in touch with your adviser so that we can make alternative arrangements with you. Full details on Queen Mary's Coronavirus response can be found online


Welcome Week Timetable

The full colour coded Welcome Week Timetable can be accessed using the button below:

School of History Welcome Week Schedule 2021 [PDF 88KB]

Please note that small changes may take place to this timetable over the next few weeks. Any major changes will be communicated by email. More details and the links to join online sessions are detailed below. 


New First Year Undergraduate Students

As you will see from the timetable, we will release a set of videos on QMPlus on the morning of your welcome talk. These are really important and we'd like all of you to set aside some time that morning – maybe 40 minutes in 4 ten minute chunks – to watch them. You can then share your outstanding concerns with us ahead of live calls at 1pm on Monday 20 September. You will then meet your adviser on Tuesday 21 September, with full details of where to meet are available below.


Welcome Talk: JOIN.

Adviser Meeting Details: First Year Adviser Meeting List September 2021 [PDF 66KB]Please check details on who your adviser is on MYSIS, in the days leading up to Welcome Week. 

There are then a range of activities for you to join throughout the week. These are linked below.

All Years Student Support Session - JOIN

Queen Mary First Year Library Introduction - JOIN

Senate House and IHR Library Introduction - JOIN.

Careers Session for all undergraduate students - JOIN.

Women in History Lanyard Decorating Session - ArtsTwo SCR - Tuesday 21 September - 10:00

National Army Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER.

Elearning and QMPlus Training for new students - JOIN. Or in person in Bancroft Building Room 1.15a. 

First Year History and Politics Welcome Talk - JOIN.

First Year History and English Welcome Talk - JOIN.  

History Society Picnic Sign Up - REGISTER. (Meeting Point:Burdett-Coutts Drinking Memorial Fountain)


Returning Second Year Undergraduate Students

As was the case last year, we will release a set of videos on QMPlus on the morning of your respective welcome talk. These are really important and we'd like all of you to set aside some time that morning – maybe 40 minutes in 4 ten minute chunks – to watch them. You can then share your outstanding concerns with us ahead of live calls at 2pm on Thursday 23 September. You will have a meeting scheduled with your adviser at some point during Welcome Week, details of the meeting place are below. 


Welcome Talk: JOIN.

Adviser Meeting Details: Second Year Adviser Meeting List September 2021 [PDF 80KB]. Please check details on who your adviser is on MYSIS, in the days leading up to Welcome Week. 

There are then a range of activities for you to join throughout the week. These are linked below.

All Years Student Support Session - JOIN.

Queen Mary Library Second and Final Year Refresher - JOIN.

Senate House and IHR Library Introduction - JOIN.

Careers Session for all undergraduate students - JOIN.

Women in History Lanyard Decorating Session - ArtsTwo SCR - Tuesday 21 September - 10:00

National Army Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER.

History Society Picnic Sign Up - REGISTER(Meeting Point:Burdett-Coutts Drinking Memorial Fountain)

History Society British Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER


Returning Final Year Undergraduate Students

As was the case last year, we will release a set of videos on QMPlus on the morning of your respective welcome talk. These are really important and we'd like all of you to set aside some time that morning – maybe 40 minutes in 4 ten minute chunks – to watch them. You can then share your outstanding concerns with us ahead of live calls at 2pm on Friday 24 September.


Welcome Talk: JOIN.

There are then a range of activities for you to join throughout the week. These are linked below.

All Years Student Support Session - JOIN.

Queen Mary Library Second and Final Year Refresher - JOIN.

Women in History Lanyard Decorating Session - ArtsTwo SCR - Tuesday 21 September - 10:00

Senate House and IHR Library Introduction - JOIN.

Careers Session for all undergraduate students - JOIN.

National Army Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER.

History Society Picnic Sign Up - REGISTER(Meeting Point:Burdett-Coutts Drinking Memorial Fountain)

History Society British Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER


MA Students

We have arranged an in person Welcome Talk for each of our MA programmes. However, if you are unable to join due to health of travel reasons, then the links to join these sessions are below. 

MA History Welcome Talk - JOIN. The main session is taking place in ArtsTwo 2.17 at 2pm Wednesday 22 September. 

MA History of Political Thought and Intellectual History Welcome Talk - JOINThe main session is taking place in ArtsTwo 3.16 at 2pm Thursday 23 September.

There are then a range of activities for you to join throughout the week. These are linked below.

All Years Student Support Session - JOIN.

Senate House and IHR Library Introduction - JOIN.

National Army Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER.

History Society Picnic Sign Up - REGISTER(Meeting Point:Burdett-Coutts Drinking Memorial Fountain)

History Society British Museum Trip Sign Up - REGISTER.  

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