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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Research Ready Programme

If you are excited by the revolution in AI and would like to play a part in it, we would love to hear from you!

Who is this opportunity for?

Queen Mary University of London aims to encourage students from diverse backgrounds to consider a future in AI and related disciplines and to increase the number of people from groups currently underrepresented in the field. 

We hope to help build an AI community where everyone can participate and thrive - irrespective of their backgrounds. 

In the spirit of this ambition, applications will be considered from students who identify as female, students from Black, Asian, and ethnic minority backgrounds, and students from low-income backgrounds.  

Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible to apply for the Research Ready Programme at Queen Mary University of London, you must be:  

1. A United Kingdom citizen or be normally resident in the United Kingdom

Applicants must have been resident in the UK for at least 3 consecutive years immediately prior to undertaking undergraduate studies in the UK and must have ‘Home’ tuition fee status.  


2. From one or more of the following underrepresented groups in the field of Artificial Intelligence: 

- Identify as female 
- From a Black, Asian, or mixed ethnicity background 
- From a low-income background with a household income less than £35,000 as assessed via the UK government student finance application or Student Support Notification of Entitlement letter 


3. Currently enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year at a UK University and studying a degree programme in Computer Science, AI or a closely related academic area, such as Data Science, Physics, Maths, Neuroscience.

You should meet all three criteria to be considered for this programme.  


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