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About us

Action Plan and Policy

Current and emerging environmental trends and challenges affect all aspects of our operations. In response, we are exploring opportunities and implementing initiatives to continue to enhance our resilience to these environmental risks and challenges and to minimise our impact.

We are currently working to a short-term 2023/24 Sustainability Action Plan while we develop an overarching Sustainability Action Plan for the next 3+ years. This year's plan focuses strongly on energy reduction and waste and resource management, but also covers other areas such as water consumption, food, travel and transport, construction and refurbishment, community and sustainable procurement. 

Our long-term environmental priorities are to continue to improve our environmental performance and play an active role in supporting the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We will also continue to engage with all relevant stakeholders and like-minded organisations to make our planet a better place to live.

Our sustainability objectives will continue to underpin the way we deliver our teaching, our research, our collaborations and partnerships, and other activities, as well as how we engage with stakeholders and add value to our communities. The new Sustainability Action Plan will be broader than its predecessor, covering the core pillars of education and research, engagement, and operations. 

Queen Mary's Environmental Policy and Heat Decarbonisation Plan (HDP) are also available below:

2023/24 Sustainability Action Plan [PDF 182KB]

Environmental Policy 2024 [PDF 111KB]

Sustainable Food and Catering Policy [PDF 201KB]

Queen Mary Heat Decarbonisation Plan March 2022 [PDF 7,849KB]

Please contact if you have any questions.

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