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School of Economics and Finance

Queen Mary University of London is delighted to host ‘Pathways to Power’ on Monday 3 October

The School of Economics and Finance, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Mile End Institute will deliver the Pathways to Power public seminar on Monday 3 October with welcomed guests from around the world.


About the event

From the university courtyard to congress, L'athénée jusq’à l'Assemblée, universitet til stortinget, y desde el Colegio hasta el Congreso Nacional, the pathways connecting the worlds of scholarship and the worlds of politics have always been heavily travelled. And they pass in both directions. But what of this relationship historically and geographically? How have scholars and scholarly institutions, be it universities or policy units, influenced - indeed at times been absorbed by - the political realm. How does scholarly knowledge and the hard-won learning of university life translate into active politics? What compromises are made? What insights won?
This public seminar will discuss the complex relation between political activism and academia, asking some of the protagonists to reflect on their experiences. From mass student movements to prominent roles in government; from frontline political involvement back to the blackboard.

Book your place.

About the speakers

Nicolas Grau Veloso

Nicolás Grau is the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism in Chile. He was born in Concepción, Chile in 1983. He holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master's Degree and Commercial Engineering Professional Degree from the University of Chile. Until February 2022, he was a Professor of Economics at the University of Chile and an adjunct Researcher at the Center for Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES). He was also President of Student Federation at University of Chile in 2006. He is married to Catalina Amenábar, with whom he has a daughter and a son, Eloísa and Antonio.

Thorvaldur Gylfason

Professor of Economics at the University of Iceland and former Economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He was elected to Iceland's Constitutional Assembly in 2010 and appointed by Parliament to a Constitutional Council that drafted and unanimously passed a constitutional bill delivered to Parliament 29 July 2011.

Speakers Nicolas Grau Veloso and Thorvaldur Gylfason will participate in this public seminar chaired by Professor Patrick Diamond and Professor Simon Reid-Henry.

Pathways to Power will take place on Monday 3 October 2022 between 17:30-19:00 in the People’s Palace on our Mile End campus. The event is open to all and is free to attend. Please book your place via Eventbrite.



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