Chaves Bosch, Gabriel (QMUL - PhD Student)
Title: TBA
Perez Cervera, Laura (QMUL - PhD Student)
Germinetti, Lorenzo and Liu Zhenghao (QMUL - PhD Studenta)
Antonio Genovese (QMUL - visiting PhD Student)
Tomoaki Tanaka and Shiori Komori (QMUL - PhD Studenta)
Andrea Tesei (QMUL)
"The International Transmission of Democratic Values: Evidence from the African Diaspora" (joint with M. Manacorda and J. Ponticelli).
Juan Castro (QMUL - PhD Student)
Rodrigo Toneto and Ezgi Kurt (QMUL - Research Assistant and PhD Student)
Ilaria Malisan (Visiting PhD Student)
Mikkel Mertz (QMUL - PhD Student)
Hanifa Pilvar (QMUL - PhD Student)
Laura Perez (QMUL - PhD Student)
Eugenio Merlano and Gabriel Chaves (QMUL - PhD Students)
Yuting Wang (QMUL - PhD Student)
Antonio Leon (QMUL - PhD Student)
Camille Terrier (QMUL)
Giulia Tozzi (QMUL - PhD Student)
Title: tba
Viola Salvestrini (QMUL - PhD Student)
Lucie Gadenne (QMUL)
"Community Networks and Trade" (joint with Johannes Boken, Tushar Nandi and Marta Santamaria)
Mikkel (QMUL) Title: tba
Eugenio and Gabriel (QMUL)
"The Impact of Immigration on Native Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Spain"
Francois Gerard (QMUL)
Erika Forsberg (PhD, Uppsala)
Ezgi Kurt (QMUL - PhD Student)
"From minority to majority: how gender diversity affects the type and quality of decisions"
Laura Pérez Cervera (QMUL - PhD Student)
Gabriel Chaves Bosch (QMUL - PhD Student)
Antonio León Fernández (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Audits and the forms of corruption they do not reveal: Evidence from nepotism in Brazil"
Eugenio Merlano (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Decision making about major surgery: A Discrete Choice Experiment"
"The Determinants of Primary Care Physicians' Location Choices in England"
"Narco-Deforestation: The Environmental Effects of Coca Cultivation"
Elisa Facchetti (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Police Infrastructure, Police Performance, and Crime: Evidence from Austerity Cut"
Simon Franklin (QMUL)
"How to give an applied talk"
Maddalena Ronchi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Daddy's girl: Daughters, managerial decisions, and gender inequality"
Mikkel Baggesgaard Mertz (QMUL - PhD Student)
"The Market for Crime"
"The determinants of Primary Care Physicians' Location Choices in England"
"Who influenced you? The importance of early exposure for the creation of entrepreneurs"
Laura Perez Cervera (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Targeting Online Voters: Internet and Federal Expenditure in the US"
"Political Connections and Financial Allocation in China"
"Mobile Internet and Domestic Violence Cases - Evidence from Brazil"
Rosa Sanchis Guarner (QMUL)
"Home Broadband and Human Capital Formation"
"Austerity cuts, police station closures and crime"
Nele Warrinnier (QMUL)
"Parental Investment, School Quality, and the Persistent Benefits of Intervention in Early Childhood"
Marco Ovidi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Parents Know Better: Primary School Choice and Student Achievement in London"
Simone Ferro (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Medium-Term Health Impacts of In-Utero Exposure to Moderate Air Pollution"
"Capping bonuses and remuneration policies in the financial sector"
"Does one bad apple spoil the bunch? The impact of exposure to failures and successes on entrepreneurial behaviour"
"Prison In- and Outflows and the Market for Crime"
Rodrigo Gorga Vera (QMUL - PhD Student)
Elisa Fachetti (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Should you Meet The Parents? The value of parental and children experience for school choice" (with Lorenzo Neri and Marco Ovidi)
"E-nformation is Power? Internet and the Allocation of Government Spending"
Eugenio Merlano (QMUL - PhD Stduent)
"Boundary estimation in the regression-discontinuity design: Evidence for a merit - and need-based financial aid program"
Soledad Giardili (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Single-Sex Primary Schools and Student Achievement: Evidence from Admission Lotteries"
Elisabetta Pasini (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Migration and Competition for Schools: Evidence from Primary Education in England"
"Allowed and Yet Dangerous: Early Life Health Impact of In-utero exposure to Air Pollution"
Lorenzo Neri (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Is opportunity moving to you? The impact of public housing regenerations on student achievement"
“Single-Sex Primary Schools and Student Achievement: Evidence from Admission Lotteries”
"Moving opportunities: The impact of public housing regenerations on student achievement"
"Labor Market Consequences of Having a Criminal Record"
“Managers’ gender attitudes and the gender gap”
“Exposure to crime and pupils’ outcomes: Evidence from London”
"Citizen Monitoring and Politicians’ Accountability: Evidence from Twitter"
"Migration and competition for schools: Evidence from primary education in England"
"In-Utero Exposure to Air Pollution and Infant Health: Evidence from Tuscany"
"Single-Sex Schools and Student Achievement: Early-age Evidence from Admission Lotteries"
Macro Ovidi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Opting for the best. Parental choice, peer's quality and school effectiveness in London primary schools" by Marco Ovidi
"The Chinese Zodiac and the Effects of Class-Size in California"
"Catholic Schools, Admission Lotteries and Student Achievement"
"Managers’ gender norms and the gender gap: how daughters affect their manager fathers’ HR practices"
"Politics and Asylum Seekers in England"
Elena Gentili (Visiting student)
"Industry value added and employment of migrant workers"
"The Economic Consequences of Public Housing Demolitions"
"School Value Added Models without lotteries: the UK context"
Giulia Tagliaferri (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Homosexuals' segregation in the labour market: occupational choice and selective disclosure"
Silvia Granato (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Early Influences and the Gender Gap in STEM"
"Exposure to crime and pupils' performance: Evidence from London"
Reinhard Weisser (QMUL)
"The impact of local shocks on well-being: Only a matter of perception?"
Giulia Tagliaferri (QMUL - PhD student)"Ethnic identity of local politicians and educational attainment: evidence from England"
Caterina Gennaioli (QMUL)
"Toxic Roads: Unearthing Hazardous Waste Dumping"
Bruno Lanzer (QMUL - PhD student)"Returns to Political Loyalty: Evidence from Brazil"
Sebastian Axbard (QMUL)"Convicting Corrupt Officials: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Cases"
Elisabetta Pasini (QMUL - PhD student)"Hetrogeneous effects of academisation in England"
Emilie Rademakers (KU Leuven)
"Do Tasks Matter for the Matching Equilibrium? Evidence from an Online Job Platform"
Teevrat Garg (UC San Diego)
"Human Capital Costs of Climate Change: Evidence from the Test Scores in India"
Helios Herrera (Warwick University)
"Demand and Supply of Populism"
Stefano Caria (Oxford University)
"Anonymity or Distance? Experimental Evidence on Obstacles to Youth Employment Opportunities"
Marie Lalanne (Goethe Universitat)Title: TBA
Tommaso Colussi (IZA)Title: TBA
Maddalena Ronchi (QMUL - PhD Student)"Wage bargaining regimes and firms' adjustments to the Great Recession"
Kazuhiro Hiraki (QMUL - PhD Student)"The Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Bubbles: Some Evidence" by Galí and Gambetti
Lorenzo Neri (QMUL - PhD Student)"Disruption in the Class"
Iacopo Varotto (QMUL - PhD Student)"Large Firm Dynamics and the Business Cycle" by Carvalho and Grassi
Soledad Giardili (QMUL - PhD Student)"University Quotas and Peers’ Achievement. Evidence from Lei das Cotas in Brasil"
Simone Ferro (QMUL - PhD Student)"Employment Protection Legislation, Risky Workers and Sectoral Mobility"
Marco Ovidi (QMUL - PhD Student)"Four facts about the 2014 Research Excellence Framework in Economics"
Giulia Tagliaferri (QMUL - PhD Student)"Commercial TV, religiousness and inter-religious attitudes in a Muslim country: evidence from Indonesia"
Silvia Granato (QMUL - PhD Student)"Gender gap in STEM fields: the role of ability, family background and sociocultural factors"
Alessio Volpicella (QMUL - PhD Student)"Prior Selection for Set-Identified Structural Vector Autoregressions"
Germano Ruisi (QMUL - PhD Student)"Monetary Policy Effectiveness and Macroeconomic Uncertainty across US Regions"
Matias Brum (QMUL - PhD Student)"The Effect of Migration on the Sending Country: the case of Italy and the United States"
Eduardo Palombo (QMUL - PhD Student)"Unconventional Monetary Policy and Leverage Dynamics"
Bruno Lanzer (QMUL - PhD Student)"The effects on transparency in the public sector"
Taiki Yamamura (QMUL - PhD Student)"Sticky Prices and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Disaggregated US Data"
Federica De Pace (QMUL - PhD Student)"Match-specific human capital and the consequences of job loss"
Mirela Miescu (QMUL - PhD Student)"Together in bad times? Connectedness and spill overs in recession and boom"
Shayan Zakipour-Saber (QMUL - PhD Student)"Monetary Policy Regime Shifts and Inflation Persistence: An estimated Markov-Switching Model for the UK"