Professor Martin CowardProfessor of International Politics, Head of SchoolEmail: 020 7882 8594Room Number: Arts One, 2.36Office Hours: By appointment (contact: joined SPIR in 2023 as Professor of International Politics. Before Queen Mary, I was at Manchester, Newcastle and Sussex. I started my academic journey with a BA in film studies and an MA in ideology and discourse analysis before doing PhD on urbicide in Bosnia. I have a broad interest, therefore in discourse, social theory and continental philosophy as well as popular culture. My research is theoretically oriented, but empirically informed. I have focused on patterns of violence against cities and infrastructure. I have called this destruction urbicide. Urbicide attacks the plurality of cites. I have broadened this research focus to include patterns of war and genocide – in particular publishing on the networked nature of modern war. I have also published in the area of international relations theory – in particular on post-globalisation, network discourses and affect. More recently, my research has focused on the way the anthropocene is imagined. I have examined the way in which speculative fiction and governmental reports have imagined the future of humanity in an era of catastrophic climate change. In particular I have identified what I call a politics of redemption and hope in these imagined futures.ResearchResearch Interests:Urban destruction, Urbicide, Infrastructure security, War, Genocide, Community, Identity, Affect, Anthropocene, Popular CulturePublicationsPlease see my Google Scholar profile: Monographs Coward M (2009) Urbicide: The Politics of Urban Destruction. London: Routledge. Edited Collections Coward M (2005) Editor, Special Issue - Being-with: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Question of Community, Journal for Cultural Research, 9(4) Journal Articles Reiko Shindo, Özlem Altan-Olcay, Evren Balta, Henk van Houtum, Annelies van Uden, Prem Kumar Rajaram, Martin Coward, Saara Pellander, Jef Huysmans, Collective Discussion: Movement and Carceral Spatiality in the Pandemic, International Political Sociology, Volume 17, Issue 3, September 2023, olad011, Closs Stephens, A, Coward, M, Merrill, S, and Sumartojo, S. (2021) Affect and the response to terror: commemoration and communities of sense, International Political Sociology, 15(1), pp. 22-40 Merrill, S, Sumartojo, S, Closs Stephens, A, and Coward, M (2020) Togetherness after Terror: The More or Less Digital Commemorative Public Atmospheres of the Manchester Arena Bombing’s First Anniversary, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(3) pp. 546–566 DOI 1177/0263775819901146 Coward M (2018) Against network thinking: A critique of pathological sovereignty. European Journal of International Relations, 24(2), pp. 440-463 DOI 10.1177/1354066117705704 Coward M (2017) Crossing the threshold of concern: how infrastructure emerges as an object of security. IAS Insights. Available online: Coward M (2015) Hot Spots/Cold Spots: Infrastructural Politics in the Urban Age. International Political Sociology 9(1): 96-99 Coward M (2012) Between us in the city: materiality, subjectivity and community in the era of global urbanization. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30(3): 468 – 481 [Citations: 104 Impact Factor: 4.594 Ranking: 15/86] Coward M (2011) Being, Mattering, Dying. Political Geography 30(8): 463-4 Coward M (2010) ‘Author’s Introduction’ and ‘Author’s Reply’ in Review Symposia: 'Urbicide' by Martin Coward. Global Discourse 1(2): 186-189 & 199-204 Coward M (2009) Network-centric Violence, Critical Infrastructure and the Urbanisation of Security. Security Dialogue 40(4-5): 399-418 Coward M (2007) Urbicide Reconsidered. Theory and Event [online] 10(2). Available at: Coward M (2006) Against Anthropocentrism: The Destruction of the built environment as a distinct form of political violence. Review of International Studies 32(3): 419-437 Coward M (2006) International Relations in the Post-Globalisation Era. Politics 26(1): 54-61 Coward M (2005) The Globalisation of Enclosure: Interrogating the Geopolitics of Empire. Third World Quarterly 26(6): 855-871 Coward M (2005) Editor's Introduction, Special Issue - Being-with: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Question of Community. Journal for Cultural Research 9(4): 323-329 Coward M (2002) Community as Heterogeneous Ensemble: Mostar and Multiculturalism. Alternatives, 27(1): 29-66 Book chapters Coward, M, (Forthcoming 2024) ‘Senses of togetherness in a covid city’ in Closs Stephens, A & Tazzioli, M, eds., Collective Movements and Emerging Political Spaces. Routledge Coward M (2017) In Defence of the Public City. In: Atkinson R, McKenzie L and Winlow S (eds.) Building Better Societies. Bristol: Policy Press. Aradau C, Coward M, Herschinger E, Thomas O & Voelkner N (2014) Discourse/Materiality. In: Aradau C, Huysmans J, Neal A & Voelkner, N (eds.) Critical Security Methods: New Frameworks for Analysis. London: Routledge, pp. 57-84. Coward M (2014) Recombinant resilience and the temptations of global interdiction. In: Houen A (ed.) States of War since 9/11: Terrorism, Sovereignty and the War on Terror. London: Routledge, pp.204-223. Coward M (2013) Networks, Nodes and De-Territorialised Battlespace: The Scopic Regime of Rapid Dominance. In: Adey P, Whitehead M and Williams A (eds.) From Above: War, Violence and London: Hurst, pp.95-117 Coward M (2012) Postglobalization. In: Ritzer G (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell. Coward M (2012) Urban. In: Ritzer G (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell. Coward M (2008) Jean-Luc Nancy. In: Edkins J & Vaughan-Williams N (eds.) Critical Theorists and International Relations. London: Routledge, pp.251-262. Coward M (2006) Securing the global (bio)political economy: Empire, post-structuralism and political economy. In: de Goede M (ed.) International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics. London: Palgrave, pp.60-76. Coward M (2004) Urbicide in Bosnia. In: Graham S (ed.) Cities, War and Terrorism: Towards an Urban Geopolitics. Oxford: Blackwell, pp.154-171. Review Articles Coward, M (2018) Introduction in Martin Coward, Peter Adey, Angharad Closs Stephens, Caren Kaplan, Mark Salter, Debbie Lisle, Review Forum: Debbie Lisle’s Holidays in the Danger Zone, University of Minnesota Press (2016), Political Geography, 66: 210. Coward M (2014) Studies in trans-disciplinary method: after the aesthetic turn, by Michael J. Shapiro. Global Discourse 4(1): 98-101. Coward M (2010) Divided Cities, by Jon Calame and Esther Charlesworth. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 23(1): 192-194 Coward M (2010) Chasing Dragons: Security, Identity and Illicit Drugs in Canada by Kyle Grayson. Global Discourse 1(1): 62-65. Coward M (2005) The Imperial Character of the Contemporary World Order. Theory and Event [online] 8(1). Available at: Coward M (1999) An Unruly World? Globalization, Governance and Geography, by Andrew Herod, Gearóid Ó Tuathail, and Susan M Roberts (eds.). Millennium: Journal of International Studies 28(3): 716-718. Coward M (1999) The Geopolitics Reader, by Gearóid Ó Tuathail, Simon Dalby & Paul Routledge (eds.). Millennium: Journal of International Studies 27(3): 781-783. Coward M (1999) Retreating the Political, by Jean-Luc Nancy & Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and On Jean-Luc Nancy: The Sense of Philosophy, by Darren Sheppard, Simon Sparks & Colin Thomas (eds.). Millennium: Journal of International Studies 27(1): 194-197. Engagement 2018 Contributor to On Cohesion, Policy@Manchester report. Contribution available in report ( or as podcast ( 05.2018: ‘Digital commemoration: a new way to remember victims of terrorism’, The Conversation, 05.2018: ‘Protecting against terror: are we dividing our cities?’, Policy @ Manchester, 08.2017: ‘Expert comment: How should cities respond to urban vehicular attacks?’ UoM Press Office Blog, 03.2015: ‘On Urban Violence’ part of the Forum ‘‘Charlie Hebdo’ and the Politics Of Response’, Society and Space Blog, Editorial Grove, NS, Shah, N, and Coward, M (2023) ‘Introduction to the Special Section: Disruption by design’, Review of International Studies 49 (1), pp.1-2 [Impact Factor: 2.906 Ranking: 22/96] Coward, M, Devetak, R, Moulin, C, Paterson, M, Shah, N, Zehfuss, M and Zevnik, A (2020) Editorial, Review of International Studies (46)1:1-2 Coward, M and Grayson, K (2017) Impact factors and the promotion of our authors’ articles, Politics 37(1): 3-4 Grayson, K, Coward, M and Oprisko, R (2016) Resurrecting IR theory: Editors’ introduction to a special section, Politics 36(4): 383-384 Coward M, Grayson, K, Chisholm, A, Walton, A, Clough, E and Feklyunina, V (2016) Reflecting On Our Strengths and Strategy, Politics 36(2): 115–117 Coward M, Grayson, K, Chisholm, A, Walton, A, Clough, E and Feklyunina, V (2016) Editorial 2016, Politics 36(1): 3-4 Coward, M (2015) Editor's Introduction: resilience revisited, Politics 35(1): 1-2 Coward M, Grayson, K, Barr, M, Clough, E and Feklyunina, V (2015) Editorial 2015 – Diversity in Politics, Politics 35(1): 1-2 Coward M and Grayson, K (2013) Politics in 2013 – The Changing Landscape of Academic Publishing, Politics 33(1): 1-4 Coward M, Grayson, K, Barr, M, Clough, E and Feklyunina, V (2012) Future Challenges and Strategies for Politics, Politics 32(2): 65-8 SupervisionI have supervised over 15 PhDs to successful completion. I am interested in supervising doctoral research on: urban and infrastructure destruction: patterns of war and political violence: Critical International Political Theory (especially drawing on discourse analysis, Ernesto Laclau, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Luc Nancy, and afropessimism).