Dr Shengwen WangLecturer in Geometric AnalysisEmail: shengwen.wang@qmul.ac.ukRoom Number: Mathematical Sciences Building, Room: MB-B14Website: https://sites.google.com/site/shengwenswebsite/Office Hours: Mondays 3-4pmProfileTeachingPublicationsProfileI am currently a lecturer in the school of mathematical sciences in Queen Mary University of London. I do research in geometric analysis and partial differential equations. More specifically, I am interested in the regularity theory and singularity analysis of geometric partial differential equations (e.g. minimal surfaces, mean curvature flows, Ricci flows and the Allen-Cahn equations) and their applications in geometric topology and mathematical relativity. I obtained my PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 2018. Before joining QMUL as a lecturer, I have held postdoc positions in SUNY Binghamton, QMUL and Warwick. Curriculum vitaeTeachingMTH 6151 Partial Differential Equations ResearchPublications Round spheres are Hausdorff stable under small perturbation of entropy. J. Reine Angew. Math. 758, 261-280 (2020). On the topological rigidity of self shrinkers in R^3. (Joint with Alexander Mramor). Int. Math. Res. Not. 2020, 1933-1941 (2020). The level set flow of a hypersurface in R^4 of low entropy does not disconnect. (Joint with Jacob Bernstein). Comm. Anal. Geom. 29, 1523-1543 (2021) Warped tori with almost non-negative scalar curvature. (Joint with Brian Allen, Lisandra Hernandez-Vazquez, Davide Parise, Alec Payne). Geometriae Dedicata 200, 153-171 (2019). Integrability of scalar curvature and normal metric on conformally flat manifolds. (Joint with Yi Wang). J. Differential Equations 265, 1353-1370 (2018). Low entropy and the mean curvature flow with surgery. (Joint with Alexander Mramor). Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations. 60, (2021) Extended abstract "The level set flow of a hypersurface in R^4 of low entropy does not disconnect" in the Proceedings of the John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, May 29 - June 1, 2018 (edited by Theodora Bourni and Mat Langford). De Gruyter Proc. Math. (2020). Second order estimates for transition layers and a curvature estimate for the parabolic Allen-Cahn. (Joint with Huy Nguyen). Int. Math. Res. Not. 2024, 6749-6789 (2024). Quantization of the energy for the inhomogeneous Allen-Cahn mean curvature. (Joint with Huy Nguyen). to appear in Math. Ann.