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School of Mathematical Sciences

Professor Claudia Garetto


Professor in Mathematics. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead

Room Number: Mathematical Sciences Building, Room: MB-325


I am a Mathematician working in the area of Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis. I am a Reader in the School of Mathematics at Queen Mary University of London and a Visiting Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Loughborough University. Previously I have been a Junior Research Fellow at Imperial College London.


My research interests are:


  • Hyperbolic equations and systems with multiplicities
  • PDEs with singular coefficients and very weak solutions
  • Sub-elliptic problems on compact Lie groups
  • Microlocal analysis, Fourier integral operators and pseudo-differential operators
  • Algebras of generalised functions


EPSRC support for my research:

EP/L026422/1: Hyperbolic systems with multiplicities (2014-2017)

EP/V005529/1: Hyperbolic problems with discontinuous coefficients (2021-2025)



  • Shah R, Garetto C, Belafonte AD et al. (2024). Diversifying the STEM curriculum Queen Mary Festival of Education.
  • Garetto C, Sabitbek B (2024). Hyperbolic systems with non-diagonalisable principal part and variable multiplicities, III: singular coefficients Mathematische Annalen nameOfConference.
  • Discacciati M, Garetto C, Loizou C (2023). On the Wave Equation with Space Dependent Coefficients: Singularities and Lower Order Terms Acta Applicandae Mathematicae nameOfConference.
  • Discacciati M, Garetto C, Loizou C (2022). Inhomogeneous Wave Equation with T-Dependent Singular Coefficients Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2021). On the wave equation with multiplicities and space-dependent irregular coefficients Transactions of the American Mathematical Society nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Jäh C, Ruzhansky M (2020). Hyperbolic systems with non-diagonalisable principal part and variable multiplicities, II: microlocal analysis Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Jäh C, Ruzhansky M (2018). Hyperbolic systems with non-diagonalisable principal part and variable multiplicities, I: well-posedness Mathematische Annalen nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2017). On C∞ well-posedness of hyperbolic systems with multiplicities Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Jäh C (2017). Well-posedness of hyperbolic systems with multiplicities and smooth coefficients Mathematische Annalen nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2016). On hyperbolic systems with time-dependent Hölder characteristics Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2015). On hyperbolic equations and systems with non-regular time dependent coefficients Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2015). Wave equation for sums of squares on compact Lie groups Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2015). Hyperbolic Second Order Equations with Non-Regular Time Dependent Coefficients Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Oberguggenberger M (2015). Symmetrisers and generalised solutions for strictly hyperbolic systems with singular coefficients Mathematische Nachrichten nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2014). A note on weakly hyperbolic equations with analytic principal part Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Oberguggenberger M (2014). Generalized Fourier Integral Operator Methods for Hyperbolic Equations with Singularities Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2013). Weakly hyperbolic equations with non-analytic coefficients and lower order terms Mathematische Annalen nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Ruzhansky M (2012). On the well-posedness of weakly hyperbolic equations with time-dependent coefficients Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2011). Lp and Sobolev boundedness of pseudodifferential operators with non-regular symbol: A regularisation approach Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Vernaeve H (2011). Hilbert C ~ \widetilde {\mathbb {C}} -modules: Structural properties and applications to variational problems Transactions of the American Mathematical Society nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2009). Sufficient conditions of local solvability for partial differential operators on spaces of colombeau type Electronic Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2009). Closed graph and open mapping theorems for topological $ \tilde \lc $‐modules and applications Mathematische Nachrichten nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Hörmann G, Oberguggenberger M (2009). Generalized oscillatory integrals and Fourier integral operators Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2008). Fundamental Solutions in the Colombeau Framework: Applications to Solvability and Regularity Theory Acta Applicandae Mathematicae nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2008). Generalized Fourier Integral Operators on Spaces of Colombeau Type journal nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2006). Microlocal analysis in the dual of a Colombeau algebra: Generalized wave front sets and noncharacteristic regularity New York Journal of Mathematics nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Hormann G (2006). On duality theory and pseudodifferential techniques for Colombeau algebras: generalized delta functionals, kernels and wave front sets Bulletin Classe des sciences mathematiques et natturalles nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2005). Topological Structures in Colombeau Algebras: Investigation of the Duals of , and Monatshefte für Mathematik nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C, Gramchev T, Oberguggenberger M (2005). Pseudodifferential operators with generalized symbols and regularity theory Electronic Journal of Differential Equations nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2005). Topological Structures in Colombeau Algebras: Topological -modules and Duality Theory Acta Applicandae Mathematicae nameOfConference.
  • Garetto C (2004). Pseudo-Differential Operators in Algebras of Generalized Functions and Global Hypoellipticity Acta Applicandae Mathematicae nameOfConference.
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