October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) for many countries around the globe and we are participating here at Queen Mary. The annual campaign aims to raise awareness about cyber security best practices and stress the collective effort needed to prevent cyber intrusions and scams.
This is particularly important for QM, as the higher education sector is being increasingly targeted by cyber criminals. It was reported earlier this year that HE is the 3rd most likely sector to be targeted by a cyber-attack, accounting for 11 percent of cyber events in 2021 (CybSafe). Therefore, it is important that all staff are equipped and aware of how to spot a potential cyberattack, and what to do if you think you have spotted something unusual.
If you do spot something worrying then please contact the IT Service desk using one of the following methods:
The Information Security Team have planned a range of different content and activities for cyber security awareness month on various topics such as:
There will also be a “cyber security crime scene” stand at Mile End and Whitechapel campuses throughout the month, where we invite both staff and students to spot the ‘evidence’ of poor cyber security, with the opportunity to win an Amazon voucher!
Cyber security is not just relevant for October and our awareness month is part of an ongoing commitment to keep Queen Mary safe and secure. We hope that this month will provide you with advice and guidance you can use to keep yourself safe online both at work and home.
Rachel Bence, Chief Information Officer