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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Mr Rodrigo Neves Zenha


Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 319


Advanced Robotics Systems (Robotics III) (Postgraduate)

The module will introduce both basic and advanced concepts related to geometric, kinematic, and dynamic robots manipulation, vision and machine learning specifically for Robotics, motion control and practical implementation of locomotion solutions, mechanical considerations of medical robots and the necessity of understanding acceptance and ethical values, etc. It will introduce the practicality of applying multidisciplinary techniques in enhancing the current state of the art in Robotics and allow the students to explore creative and engineered solutions that are outside the box along side conventional industrial and cognitive applications.

Cognitive Robotics (Postgraduate)

This module addresses the emerging field of autonomous systems possessing artificial reasoning skills and also environment and context awareness. The module will introduce students to advance numerical and computational techniques associated with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Successfully-applied algorithms and autonomy models form the basis for study, and provide students an opportunity to design such a system as part of their coursework project. Theory and practical applications will be linked through discussion of real systems such as medical robotic surgeons and robotic musicians.

C Programming (Undergraduate)

This module introduces the principles of C Programming to students who already know how to program at a basic level in Java. It provides a knowledge of the theory of C Programming and also its practical use in real engineering systems. The focus is on microprocessor based systems.


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