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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Professor Pasquale Malacaria, PhD


Professor of Computer Science

Telephone: +44 20 7882 6378
Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 428
Office Hours: Wednesday 13:00-15:00


Logic in Computer Science (Postgraduate)

The module introduces students to Mathematical Logic concepts and their use in Computer Science. The topics covered include: - Propositional Logic and Introduction to Critical Thinking - Solving SAT instances. DPLL algorithm, validity, satisfiability, SAT solvers - Temporal Logics. For example: Linear Temporal Logic, Computation Tree Logic, model checkers (e.g. SPIN) - Predicate Logic. First-order logic, syntax and semantics, satisfiability, SMT solvers - Program Logics. For example, Hoare logic. The module will include exercises and hands-on practicals e.g. using SAT solvers and model checkers.

Object-Oriented Programming (Undergraduate)

Major topics include the concepts of class, object, method, subclass, inheritance and their use in programming. The relevance of the object oriented style with respect to concrete software problems will be stressed both in lectures and labs. There will be two hours of lectures per week, and each student will have a weekly timetabled lab session. In addition, you will be expected to spend further time outside scheduled lab periods in the lab (or at home machines if they are available), and to read textbooks and review notes.


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