Professor Pat HealeyProfessor of Human InteractionEmail: +44 20 7882 5211Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 410TeachingResearchPublicationsTeachingCreative Group Project (Undergraduate) The module will be practice-based where students work in a team to produce a creative system for audio-visual content production or interactivity. Students will work in a team to identify the elements in a product development cycle; develop an audio, video, multimedia product with particular attention to its aesthetics, usability and marketability; analyse and present results in qualitative and quantitative measures; report and present findings in a clear and coherent manner. Design for Human Interaction (Postgraduate/Undergraduate) Developments in information technology have radically altered the nature of human communication. Spatial and temporal constraints on communication have been weakened or removed and new structures and forms of communication have developed. For some technologies, such as video conferencing, text messaging and online communities, the importance of understanding their effect on human communication is clear. However, even the success of 'individualistic' technologies, such as spreadsheets, can be shown to depend partly on their impact on patterns of interaction between people. Conversely, some technologies, such as videophones, that are specifically designed to enhance communication can sometimes make it worse. Currently, there is no accepted explanation of how technologies alter, and are altered by, the patterns and processes of human communication. Such an explanation is necessary for effective design of new technologies. This research led module explores these issues by introducing psychological theories of the nature of human communication and socio-historical perspectives on the development and impact of communication technologies. These models are applied to the analysis of new communications technologies and the effects of those technologies on communication patterns between individuals, groups and societies. A variety of different technologies are introduced ranging from systems for the support of tightly-coupled synchronous interactions through to large-scale shared workspaces for the support of extended collaborations. Detailed studies of the effects of different technologies on task performance, communication processes and user satisfaction are reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the notion of communicative success and to the development of metrics that can be used in assessing it. Frameworks for analysing the communicative properties of different media will be introduced as well as approaches to the analysis of communication in groups and organisations. Design for Human Interaction (Undergraduate) Technology can support new forms of human communication. Embodied robotics, virtual avatars and social software applications (e.g. Twitter, Facebook and Flikr) create new forms of human interaction and new social economies ('crowdsourcing', 'prosumers', 'GPL licensing'). This research-led course introduces psychological theories of human communication that help us to understand how technology can enrich and transform human interaction. It also introduces the tools and techniques necessary for a principled approach to the design and evaluation of such technology.ResearchResearch Interests:Digital technologies provide uniquely flexible media with the potential to transform human communication. They offer new ways to capture, modify and project communicative actions (e.g., words, gestures and expressions). This creates the potential for new forms of mutual-engagement and new forms of ?language?. My research applies models of human communication - drawn mainly from Psychology and Sociology - to understanding these processes. It uses technology both as an experimental tool for the study of interaction and as an application area for testing and developing theories of interaction.Publications Healey PGT, Khare P, Castro I et al. (publicationYear). Power and vulnerability: managing sensitive language in organizational communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1266425 QMRO: Kuhn R, Abdel-Halim N, Healey P et al. (publicationYear). Eliciting perspectives on remote healthcare delivery from service users with psychosis in the community: a cross-sectional survey study. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1304456 QMRO: Förster F, Romeo M, Holthaus P et al. (publicationYear). Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2023.1202306 QMRO: qmroHref Karan M, Khare P, Shekhar R et al. (2023). LEDA: a Large-Organization Email-Based Decision-Dialogue-Act Analysis Dataset. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.findings-acl.378 QMRO: Khare P, Shekhar R, Karan M et al. (2023). Tracing Linguistic Markers of Influence in a Large Online Organisation. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.acl-short.8 QMRO: McQuistin S, Karan M, Khare P et al. (2023). Errare humanum est: What do RFC Errata say about Internet Standards?. 2023 7th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) DOI: 10.23919/tma58422.2023.10198980 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Howes C, Kempson R et al. (2023). “Who's there?”: Depicting identity in interaction. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1017/s0140525x22001492 QMRO: Ozkan EE, Healey PGT, Gurion T et al. (2023). Speakers Raise their Hands and Head during Self-Repairs in Dyadic Conversations. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2023.3254808 QMRO: Deacon T, Healey P, Barthet M (2023). “It’s cleaner, definitely”: Collaborative Process in Audio Production. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/s10606-022-09448-1 QMRO: Ozkan EE, Gurion T, Hough J et al. (2022). Speaker Motion Patterns during Self-repairs in Natural Dialogue. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION DOI: 10.1145/3536220.3563684 QMRO: qmroHref Gregoromichelaki E, Eshghi A, Howes C et al. (2022). Language and Cognition as Distributed Process and Interactions. Proceedings of the 26th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue DOI: doi QMRO: Khare P, Karan M, McQuistin S et al. (2022). The Web We Weave: Untangling the Social Graph of the IETF. AAAI 16th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) DOI: 10.1609/icwsm.v16i1.19310 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Harris MT, Schober MF (2022). Audience interaction. nameOfConference DOI: 10.4324/9781003033226-24 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Harris MT, Schober MF (2022). AUDIENCE INTERACTION: Approaches to researching the social dynamics of live audiences. nameOfConference DOI: 10.4324/9781003033226-24 QMRO: qmroHref McQuistin S, Karan M, Khare P et al. (2021). Characterising the IETF through the lens of RFC deployment. Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference DOI: 10.1145/3487552.3487821 QMRO: Özkan EE, Gurion T, Hough J et al. (2021). Specific hand motion patterns correlate to miscommunications during dyadic conversations. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) DOI: 10.1109/icdl49984.2021.9515613 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (2021). Human-like Communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198862536.003.0007 QMRO: qmroHref Karan M, Khare P, Healey P et al. (2021). Mitigating Topic Bias when Detecting Decisions in Dialogue. SIGDIAL: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue DOI: 10.18653/v1/2021.sigdial-1.56 QMRO: Skach S, Stewart R, Healey PGT (2021). Sensing Social Behavior with Smart Trousers. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/MPRV.2021.3088153 QMRO: Park S, Healey PGT, Kaniadakis A (2021). Should Robots Blush?. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems DOI: 10.1145/3411764.3445561 QMRO: Nagele AN, Bauer V, Healey PGT et al. (2021). Interactive Audio Augmented Reality in Participatory Performance. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2020.610320 QMRO: Gregoromichelaki E, Mills G, Howes C et al. (2020). Completability vs (In)completeness. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1080/03740463.2020.1795549 QMRO: Light A, Healey PGT, Simpson G (2020). Designing the not-quite-yet. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Fields B, Stockman T, Nickerson LV et al. (2020). Preface. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Skach S, Stewart R, Healey PGT (publicationYear). Smarty Pants: Exploring Textile Pressure Sensors in Trousers for Posture and Behaviour Classification. International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019032019 QMRO: qmroHref Bauer V, Nagele A, Baume C et al. (2019). Designing an Interactive and Collaborative Experience in Audio Augmented Reality. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31908-3_20 QMRO: Zhang L, Healey PGT (2019). Co-ordination of Head Nods: Asymmetries between Speakers and Listeners. Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Deacon T, Bryan-Kinns N, Healey PGT et al. (2019). Shaping Sounds. Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition DOI: 10.1145/3325480.3325493 QMRO: qmroHref Esparza RPG, Healey PGT, Weaver L et al. (2019). Embodied Imagination. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems DOI: 10.1145/3290605.3300735 QMRO: qmroHref Clark L, Cowan BR, Edwards J et al. (2019). Mapping Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives for Understanding Speech Interface Interactions. Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems DOI: 10.1145/3290607.3299009 QMRO: qmroHref Albert S, Heath C, Skach S et al. (publicationYear). Drawing as transcription: how do graphical techniques inform interaction analysis?. nameOfConference DOI: 10.7146/si.v2i1.113145 QMRO: Theodorou L, Healey PGT, Smeraldi F (2019). Engaging With Contemporary Dance: What Can Body Movements Tell us About Audience Responses?. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00071 QMRO: HEALEY PGT, PURVER MRJ (2018). Self-Repetition in Dialogue and Monologue. AixDial: the 22nd SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Zhang L, Healey PGT (2018). Human, Chameleon or Nodding Dog?. Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction DOI: 10.1145/3242969.3242998 QMRO: qmroHref Skach S, Stewart R, Healey PGT (2018). Smart Arse. Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction DOI: 10.1145/3242969.3242977 QMRO: qmroHref Esparza RPG, Healey PGT, Weaver L et al. (2018). Augmented Embodiment. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing DOI: 10.1145/3212721.3212845 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, de Ruiter JP, Mills GJ (2018). Editors' Introduction: Miscommunication.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1111/tops.12340 QMRO: McCabe R, Healey PGT (2018). Miscommunication in Doctor–Patient Communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1111/tops.12337 QMRO: Healey PGT, Mills GJ, Eshghi A et al. (2018). Running Repairs: Coordinating Meaning in Dialogue.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1111/tops.12336 QMRO: DUFFY S, HEALEY PGT (2018). Refining Musical Performance through Overlap. nameOfConference DOI: 10.16986/huje.2018038809 QMRO: Lavia L, Witchel HJ, Aletta F et al. (2018). Non-participant observation methods for soundscape design and urban panning. nameOfConference DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3637-6.ch004 QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Duffy (publicationYear). A New Medium for Remote Music Tuition. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1386/jmte.10.1.5_1 QMRO: Duffy S, Healey PGT (2017). Co-ordinating Non-mutual Realities: The Asymmetric Impact of Delay on Video-Mediated Music Lessons. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Howes C, Lavelle M, Healey PGT et al. (2017). Disfluencies in dialogues with patients with schizophrenia. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Concannon S, Healey P, Purver M (2017). How natural is argument in natural dialogue?. Computational Models of Natural Argument DOI: doi QMRO: Concannon S, Healey PGT, Purver M (2017). Opening Up and Closing Down Discussion: Experimenting with Epistemic Status in Conversation. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Skach S, Healey PGT, Stewart R (2017). Talking Through Your Arse: Sensing Conversation with Seat Covers. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Albert S, Heath C, Healey P (2017). The Fine Art of Conversation. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Theodorou L, Healey P (2017). What can Hand Movements Tell us about Audience Engagement?. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PRIEBE SKF, McCabe R, John P et al. (2016). Training to Enhance Psychiatrist Communication with Patients with Psychosis (TEMPO): A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.179499 QMRO: Theodorou L, Healey PGT, Smeraldi F (2016). Exploring Audience Behaviour During Contemporary Dance Performances. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing DOI: 10.1145/2948910.2948928 QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, HOWES C, HOUGH J et al. (2016). Better late than Now-or-Never: The case of interactive repair phenomena. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X15000813 QMRO: Katevas K, Healey PGT, Harris MT (publicationYear). Robot Comedy Lab: experimenting with the social dynamics of live performance. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01253 QMRO: Concannon S, Healey P, Purver M (2015). Shifting Opinions: Experiments on Agreement and Disagreement in Dialogue. 19th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (goDIAL) DOI: doi QMRO: Concannon S, Healey PGT, Purver M (2015). Taking a Stance: a Corpus Study of Reported Speech. 19th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (goDIAL) DOI: doi QMRO: Eshghi A, Healey PGT (2016). Collective Contexts in Conversation: Grounding by Proxy. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12225 QMRO: Theodorou L, Healey PGT (2015). 12 Way Mirror. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems DOI: 10.1145/2702613.2702955 QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Panzarasa P et al. (2015). Ideas in Dialogue: The Effects of Interaction on Creative Problem Solving. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Plant N, Howes C et al. (2015). When words fail: Collaborative gestures during clarification dialogues. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Duffy S, Healey PGT (2014). The conversational organization of musical contributions. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1177/0305735614545501 QMRO: qmroHref Lavelle M, Healey PGT, McCabe R (publicationYear). Participation during First Social Encounters in Schizophrenia. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077506 QMRO: Tversky B, Healey P, Kirsh D (2014). Cognitive Science and the Arts. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Purver M, Howes C (2014). Divergence in dialogue.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098598 QMRO: Lavelle M, Healey PGT, McCabe R (2014). Nonverbal Behavior During Face-to-face Social Interaction in Schizophrenia. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1097/nmd.0000000000000031 QMRO: qmroHref McCabe R, Healey PGT, Priebe S et al. (2013). Shared understanding in psychiatrist-patient communication: association with treatment adherence in schizophrenia.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2013.05.015 QMRO: Howes C, Healey PG, Eshghi A et al. (2013). "Well, that's one way": Interactivity in parsing and production.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X12002592 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (2013). Design for human interaction. Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems DOI: 10.1145/2494603.2480343 QMRO: qmroHref Plant N, Healey PGT (2013). Surface tension. CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems DOI: 10.1145/2468356.2479589 QMRO: qmroHref Vera B, Chew E, Healey PGT (2013). A study of ensemble synchronisation under restricted line of sight. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Dale R, Fusaroli R, Håkonsson DD et al. (2013). Beyond Synchrony: Complementarity and Asynchrony in Joint Action. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Lavelle M, Howes C et al. (2013). How listeners respond to speaker's troubles. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Duffy S, Healey PGT (2013). Using Music as a Turn in Conversation in a Lesson. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey P, PURVER MRJ et al. (2012). Finishing each other's ... Responding to incomplete contributions in dialogue. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R et al. (2012). Helping the Medicine Go Down: Repair and Adherence in Patient-Clinician Dialogues. 16th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Lavelle M, HEALEY PGT, McCabe R (2012). Is nonverbal communication disrupted in interactions involving patients with schizophrenia?. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbs091 QMRO: Howes C, Healey PGT, Purver M et al. (2012). Finishing each other’s ... Responding to incomplete contributions in dialogue. 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Purver M (2012). Whose turn is it anyway? Same- and cross-person compound contributions in dialogue. 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R et al. (2012). Predicting Adherence to Treatment for Schizophrenia from Dialogue Transcripts. 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2012 Conference) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Heath CPR, Healey PGT (2012). Making Space for Interaction: Architects Design Dialogues. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34182-3_23 QMRO: qmroHref Duffy S, Williams D, Stevens T et al. (2012). Remote Music Tuition. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Duffy S, Healey PGT (2012). Spatial Co-ordination in Music Tuition. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Gardair C, Healey PGT, Welton M (2011). Performing places. Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition DOI: 10.1145/2069618.2069629 QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey P, Purver M (2011). Tracking the Dative Alternation in Conversation. Structural Alternations DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Gregoromichelaki E, Kempson R, Purver M et al. (2011). Incrementality and Intention-Recognition in Utterance Processing. nameOfConference DOI: 10.5087/dad.2011.109 QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, HEALEY PGT et al. (2011). On Incrementality in Dialogue: Evidence from Compound Contributions. nameOfConference DOI: 10.5087/dad.2011.111 QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, Healey PGT et al. (2011). On Incrementality in Dialogue: Evidence from Compound Contributions. nameOfConference DOI: 10.5087/dad.2011.111 QMRO: qmroHref Colman M, HEALEY PGT (2011). The Distribution of Repair in Dialogue. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Battersby S, Healey PGT (2010). Head and hand movements in the orchestration of dialogue.. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Themistocleous M, McCabe R, Rees N et al. (2009). Establishing mutual understanding in interaction: an analysis of conversational repair in psychiatric consultations.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1558/cam.v6i2.165 QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Purver M (2010). Tracking lexical and syntactic alignment in conversation.. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Berthouze N, Gillies M, Ayesh A et al. (2009). Symposium on Mental States, Emotions and their Embodiment. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Howes C, Gregoromichelaki E et al. (2009). Split Utterances in Dialogue: a Corpus Study. SIGDIAL 2009 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Mills GJ (2009). A: An experimental investigation into... B:... Split utterances. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Mills GJ (2009). A: an experimental investigation into.... Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference on The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue - SIGDIAL '09 DOI: 10.3115/1708376.1708387 QMRO: qmroHref WEAVER L (2009). Democratising Technology. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Themistocleous S, McCabe R, Rees N et al. (2009). Establishing mutual understanding in interaction: an analysis of conversational repair in psychiatric consultations. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Light A, Weaver L, Simpson G et al. (2009). Geezers, Turbines, Fantasy Personas: Making the Everyday into the Future. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1145/1640233.1640243 QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Howes C, Healey PGT et al. (2009). Split utterances in dialogue. Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference on The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue - SIGDIAL '09 DOI: 10.3115/1708376.1708413 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Battersby S (2009). The interactional geometry of a three-way conversation.. 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Healey PGT (2009). What is a conversation? Distinguishing dialogue contexts. 31st annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Colman M, Eshghi A, Healey PGT (2008). Quantifying ellipsis in dialogue: An index of mutual understanding. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Mills GJ, Healey PGT (2008). Semantic negotiation in dialogue: The mechanisms of alignment. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Lavelle M, McCabe R, Healey PGT (2008). IS RECIPROCITY IMPAIRED IN SCHIZOPHRENIA: AN ANALYSIS OF NATURALISTIC SOCIAL INTERACTION. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/s0920-9964(08)70371-2 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, White G, Eshghi A et al. (2008). Communication Spaces. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/s10606-007-9061-4 QMRO: qmroHref Thiebaut J-B, Healey PGT, BRYAN-KINNS N (2008). Drawing Electroacoustic Music. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (2008). Interactive misalignment. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Colman M, Eshghi A, Healey PGT (2008). Quantifying ellipsis in Dialogue: An index of mutual understanding. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Colman M, Eshghi A, Healey PGT (2008). Quantifying ellipsis in dialogue. Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue - SIGdial '08 DOI: 10.3115/1622064.1622083 QMRO: qmroHref Mills GJ, Healey PGT (2008). Semantic negotiation in dialogue. Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue - SIGdial '08 DOI: 10.3115/1622064.1622072 QMRO: qmroHref Mills GJ, Healey PGT (2008). Semantic negotiation in dialogue: The mechanisms of alignment. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BRYAN-KINNS N, Healey P, Leach J (2007). Exploring Mutual Engagement in Creative Collaborations. 6th Creativity & Cognition Conference, Jurys Hotel, Washington, USA, June 13-15 2007 DOI: 10.1145/1254960.1254991 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Swoboda N, Umata I et al. (2007). Graphical language games: Interactional constraints on representational form. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1080/15326900701221363 QMRO: qmroHref Swoboda N, Healey PGT, Berrocal G (2007). A prototype body orientation based drawing system. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/PLT.2007.1 QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Healey PGT (2007). Collective States of Understanding. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, White G, Eshghi A et al. (2007). Communication Spaces. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/s10606-007-9061-4 QMRO: qmroHref Bryan-Kinns N, Healey PGT, Papworth D et al. (2007). Cues to common knowledge. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84800-031-5_23 QMRO: qmroHref Healey P, BRYAN-KINNS N, Leach J et al. (2007). Exploring mutual engagement in creative collaborations. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1145/1254960.1254991 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Swoboda N, Umata I et al. (2007). Graphical Language Games: Interactional constraints on representational form. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Vogel C, Eshghi A (2007). Group Dialects in an Online Community. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Thiebaut JBT (2007). Sketching Musical Compositions. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Peters C (2007). The Conversational Organisation of Drawing. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/PLT.2007.25 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Light A (2007). When scoring doesn't matter: the aesthetics of performance in arcade games. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1080/15710880701381992 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Light A (2007). When scoring doesn’t matter: The aesthetics of performance in arcade games. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Mills G, Healey PGT (2006). Clarifying spatial descriptions: Local and glogal effects on semantic co-ordination. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BRYAN-KINNS N, Healey PGT (2006). Decay in Collaborative Music Making. NIME 2006 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (2006). Drawing Things Together: Integrating Modalities and Co-ordinating Understanding. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Mills G (2006). Participation, Precedence and Co-ordination in Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Colman M, Thirlwell M (2005). Analysing Multi-Modal Communication: Repair-Based Measures of Human Communicative Co-ordination. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Colman M, Thirlwell M (2005). Analysing Multimodal Communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3933-6_6 QMRO: qmroHref Reeves AJ, Healey PGT (2005). Participation in community systems: Indications for design. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/11407546_20 QMRO: qmroHref Bryan-Kinns N, Healey PGT, Lee J (2005). Persistence in web based collaborations. Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '05 DOI: 10.1145/1062745.1062793 QMRO: qmroHref McCabe R, Leudar I, Healey PGT (2005). What do you think I think? Theory of mind and schizophrenia.. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (2004). Dialogue in the degenerate case?. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X04330050 QMRO: qmroHref BRYAN-KINNS N, Healey P (2004). "Daisyphone: Support for Remote Music Collaboration". Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 04) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, King J, Swoboda N (2004). Co-ordinating conventions in graphical dialogue: Effects of repetition and interaction. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-25931-2_28 QMRO: qmroHref Bryan-Kinns N, Healey PGT (2004). Daisyphone: The Design and Impact of a Novel Environment for Remote Group Music Improvisation. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, King J, Swoboda N et al. (2003). Graphical Language Games: Interaction and Abstraction. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BRYAN-KINNS N, Healey P, Thirlwell M (2003). "Gudar A Novel Group Music Instrument". Proceedings of IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT' 03) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Mills G, King J et al. (2003). Answering Clarification Questions. Proceedings of the 4th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue. Association of Computational Linguistics. Sapporo DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BRYAN-KINNS N, Healey P, Leach J et al. (2003). Designing for Group Creativity. Supplementary Proceedings of HCI International 2003 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Purver M, King J et al. (2003). Experimenting with clarification in dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BRYAN-KINNS N, Healey P, Thirlwell M (2003). Graphical Representation for Musical Improvisation. Proc of 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Graphical Communication DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Ginzburg J, Purver M (2003). On the Means for Clarification in Dialogue. Smith R and van Kuppevelt (eds) Current and New Directions in Discourse and Dialogue. Association of Computational Linguistics DOI: 10.3115/1118078.1118094 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Swoboda N, Umata I et al. (2002). Graphical representation in graphical dialodgue. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1006/ijhc.2002.1022 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Garrod S, Lee J et al. (2002). Interactional context in sketch understanding. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Narayanan NH, Lee J et al. (2002). Introduction: interactive graphical communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1006/ijhc.1016 QMRO: qmroHref Bais M, Cosmas J, Dosch C et al. (2002). Customized television: Standards compliant advanced digital television. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2002.1021281 QMRO: qmroHref Pearmain A, Lalmas M, Moutogianni E et al. (2002). Using MPEG-7 at the consumer terminal in broadcasting. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1155/S1110865702000756 QMRO: qmroHref Peters CR, Healey PGT (2002). A survey of drawing in cross-linguistic communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46037-3_38 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Swoboda N, King J (2002). A tool for performing and analysing experiments on graphical communication. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-0105-5_4 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Swoboda N, King J (2002). An environment for conducting and analysing graphical communication experiments. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46037-3_12 QMRO: qmroHref Bais M, Cosmas J, Dosch C et al. (2002). Customized television: standards compliant advanced digital television. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2002.1021281 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Swoboda N, Umata I et al. (2002). Graphical representation in graphical dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Oberlander J, Garrod S et al. (2002). Interactional context in graphical communication. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: 10.4324/9781315782379-112 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Narayanan NH, Lee J et al. (2002). Introduction: interactive graphical communication. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey P, LALMAS M, Roelleke T et al. (2002). Using MPEG7 at the Consumer Terminal in Broadcasting. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PEARMAIN A, Healey PGT, Lalmas M et al. (2001). Requirements for Broadcast and Internet Integration. Proceedings of the International Conference on Media Futures, Florence, Italy,May 8-9, 2001 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PEARMAIN A, Healey PGT, Paker Y et al. (2001). User Interface Design for Custom TV. Proceedings of the International Conference on Media Futures, Florence, Italy - May 8-9, 2001 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Katagiri Y, Umata I et al. (2001). Representational form and communicative use. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Lalmas M, Pearmain A et al. (2001). Requirements for Broadcast and Internet Integration. Proceedingsof the International Conference on Media Futures. Florence, Italy DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Pearmain A, Schoonjans P et al. (2001). User Interface Design for Custom TV. Proceedings of the International Conference on Media Future. Florence, Italy DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Pearmain A, Lalmas M, Moutogianni E et al. (2001). Using MPEG-7 at the consumer terminal in broadcasting. WIAMIS 2001 Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Services DOI: 10.1155/s1110865702000756 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, McCabe R, Katagiri Y (2000). A comparison of graphics and speech in a task-oriented interaction. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44590-0_23 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Bryan-Kinns N (2000). Analysing asynchronous collaboration. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-0515-2_16 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (1999). Accounting for Communication: Estimating Effort, Transparency and Coherence. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref McCARTHY JC, HEALEY PGT, WRIGHT PC et al. (1997). Accountability of work activity in high-consequence work systems: human error in context. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1006/ijhc.1997.9997 QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT (1997). Expertise or expert-ese? The emergence of task-oriented sub-languages. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref McCarthy JC, Wright PC, Healey P et al. (1997). Locating the scene: the particular and the general in contexts for ambulance control. Proceedings of the international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work : the integration challenge the integration challenge - GROUP '97 DOI: 10.1145/266838.266874 QMRO: qmroHref