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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Dr Miles Hansard


Senior Lecturer

Telephone: +44 20 7882 5776
Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 324


Computer Graphics (Postgraduate/Undergraduate)

This module is concerned primarily with computer graphics systems and in particular 3D computer graphics. The module will include revision of fundamental raster algorithms such as polygon filling and quickly move onto the specification, modelling and rendering of 3D scenes. In particular the following topics may be covered: viewing in 2D, data structures for the representation of 3D polyhedra, viewing in 3D, visibility and hidden surface algorithms, illumination computations. Some attention will be paid to human perception of colour and interactive 3D such as virtual reality.

Introduction to Multimedia (Undergraduate)

This module unit focuses on the basics concepts on multimedia systems. It introduces the student to the building elements of multimedia computing and their relation with human perception. By the end of the module students should be able to: * understand the difference between analogue and digital * cover the underlying theory of quantisation and sampling for audio, images and video * learn the high-level functioning of the human year and human eye * understand the different colour space representations * understand how to characterise different media through their features * study practical examples of multimedia systems


Research Interests:

Binocular vision, multi-view 3D reconstruction and depth-cameras. Geometric and statistical models of human perception.
Miles homepage


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