Guest speakers from different industries are invited to share their experience and interact with our students in a short talk for an hour. The aim of these talks is to broaden our students' horizon and inspire them to think out of the box.
20th September 2023 15:00-16:00
JPIC_TALK_Hajre_entrepreneurship-v3 [PDF 325KB]
by Mr Hajrë Hyseni
Programme Director for ITMB Senior Lecturer in Digital Business Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire
23rd October 2023 18:30-19:30
by Dr Yuqian Sun (孙玉芊博士)
CEO and Founder of BEIJING EZFIT Ltd.北京巧合榫卯文化科技有限公司 创始人Entrepreneur Mentor of Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Academy of Art and Design of Tsinghua University清华大学美术学院非遗传承企业家导师
23rd November 2023 18:00-20:00
by Dr Yixuan Zou
LecturerSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)Queen Mary University of London
4th December 2023 18:30-19:30
by Mr Filippo Addarii
UCL Industrial ProfessorFounder & Managing Partner