19th February 2024
The Design and Build Challenge Week returned to our Mile End campus from 19th to 23rd February, co-organised by Dr Matthew Tang and Dr Yixuan Zou. This year, ten Beijing students were joined by 14 London students, and they formed five teams to compete in the self-driving racing competitions. They worked tirelessly through the week to collect data and train self-driving AI.
The final competition on Friday the 23rd was very tight where Team "Moorgate" edged Team "Whitechapel" in the head-to-head race to win the first place. All participants enjoyed the collaborations and made friends.
Special thanks go to Prof Michael Chai, Prof Yue Chen, Dr Tassos Tombros, Dr Fatma Benkhelifa and our EECS Electronics Lab manager Mr Ho Huen for their tremendous support to the event.