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Doctoral College

New Catering Outlet at Whitechapel | Introducing the Garrod Pantry

Key information

Location: Ground Floor, Garrod Building, next to the Old Library

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri, 8.30am-3.00pm

Menu: Selection of Bagles, jacket potatoes, soup of the day etc.  


What is the Garrod Pantry?

It’s the space formerly occupied by Beigal Bunnies adjacent to the common room.
What happened to Beigal Bunnies?

After sixteen years and having been closed since the start of the pandemic, sisters Donna and Roxann made the personal decision not to re-open the facility. As the name was very much theirs, QM Food, after consultation with the faculty has come up with the new name.
What’s on the menu?

Bagles or Beigels (depending on your preferred spelling) most certainly will be, plus other breads with a variety of fillings; hot food will be jacket potatoes, a daily changing soup and daily special hot dish, breakfast pastries and afternoon cakes. Coffee will initially be filter until our automated barista coffee machine arrives in about six weeks.
Who can use it?

Anyone with access to the Garrod Building, so all staff and students. Over the lunch period, we have permission to open the building rear door, so the wider medical community can make purchases, as they always used to be able to.
When’s it open?

Initial opening hours will be 8.30am-3.00pm; we will monitor demand to see if these times need to be adjusted.
How can I get in touch with QM Food? 

We would love to hear your thoughts on the Garrod Pantry, do tell us in person or email us on 



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