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The Wolfson Institute of Population Health (WIPH)

Post-graduate research


The Institute hosts a wide range of post-graduate research opportunities: 

NIHR Fellowships NIHR Doctoral Fellowships 

The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. This fellowship may also be taken up on a part-time basis of between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). Clinical applicants are able to include up to 20% clinical time as part of the fellowship, to ensure the maintenance of their clinical competence whilst undertaking the fellowship. See more information specific to the Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship here 

Population and Public Health Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Science 

Our Wellcome-funded doctoral training programme applies human-centred data research to health and care data, and will introduce you to a wider context for your research, enabling you to draw on concepts, disciplines and methods underpinning algorithmic designs, sensing and data capture, human-interactions, qualitative and quantitative evaluation and decision-making, in real-world settings. 

Primary Care School of Primary Care Research PhD Studentship 

Our NIHR-funded Studentships offer traditional project-specific training in areas of particular importance to primary care and are awarded to applicants from diverse academic backgrounds including e.g., medical statistics, social sciences, health economics, and health psychology.  

Global Health Wellcome Trust Bloomsbury Centre for Global Health Research  

The aim of this Programme is to support the most promising clinicians who wish to undertake rigorous research training and complete a research project in the field of global health. The Programme will focus on the following six key areas:  

HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria 

Neglected tropical diseases 

Maternal and child health 

Mental health 

Antimicrobial resistance 

Non-communicable diseases. 

Social Science London Interdisciplinary Social Sciences DTP 

This programme enables social science research students to join and develop a research community that springs from the interface between the social science disciplines with health and medicine, the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the arts and humanities. Topics include business and management, economics, epidemiology, geography, health, international relations, law, linguistics, politics and psychology.