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School of Politics and International Relations

Professor Javier Sajuria, Licentiate in Law - J.D. (PUC Chile), MSc (UCL), PhD (UCL)


Professor of Comparative Politics, Deputy Dean Education (Regulation and Employability), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Telephone: 020 7882 8591
Room Number: ArtsOne, 2.29
Twitter: @jsajuria
Office Hours: Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 and Thursdays 13:00-14:00 (in person or online). Please book using the link below.


Javier obtained his MSc and PhD from the Department of Political Science, University College London. He also holds a law degree (J.D.) from PUC Chile. Prior to joining Queen Mary, Javier was a Lecturer in Politics at Newcastle University (2016-2017), and an ESRC postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Strathclyde, working as part of the team behind the Representative Audit of Britain project.

Currently, Javier is the Deputy Dean for Education (Regulation and Employability) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. He is also the President of the Chilean Political Science Association.

Javier’s personal website is

Office hour booking link

Undergraduate Teaching

POL269 Political Data Research

POL309 Making Democracy Work


Research Interests:

My main research interest lies in the intersection between Political Behaviour, Comparative Politics, and quantitative methods.

My current research agenda includes:

  • Electoral politics, with an emphasis on British and Chilean politics
  • Elite politics: candidates and legislators from a comparative approach
  • Public opinion
  • Latent variable estimation
  • (Not so) big data, data management, visualisation, and automated collection

Examples of research funding:

ESRC, British Academy, Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID)


Journal articles

Collignon, S. et al. (2022) ‘Intertwined fates? Members switching between niche and mainstream parties’, Party Politics. doi: 10.1177/13540688221106299.

Meléndez, C., Rovira Kaltwasser, C. and Sajuria, J., (2021) “Chile 2020: Pandemia y Plebiscito Constitucional.” Revista de Ciencia Política, 41(2), pp.263-290.

Collignon, S., Sajuria, J., (2021) “Parenthood, anxiety, gender, and race: drivers of non-compliance with lockdown measures”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(sup1), pp.245-258.van Kessel, S., Sajuria, J., Van Hauwaert, S., (2020) “Informed, uninformed or misinformed? A cross-national analysis of populist party supporters across European democracies”. West European Politics, 44(3), 585-610.

Collignon, S., Sajuria, J. (2018), “Local means local, does it? Regional identification and prefer- ences for local candidates”. Electoral Studies, 2018.07.003

Rüdig, W., Sajuria, J. (2018), “Green Party Members and Grassroots Democracy: A Comparative Analysis”. Party Politics

Theocharis, Y., Vitoratou, S., Sajuria, J. (2017), “Civil Society in Times of Crisis: Understanding Collective Action Dynamics in Digitally-Enabled Volunteer Networks”. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 248–265

Sajuria, J., vanHeerde-Hudson, J., Hudson, D., Dasandi, N., Theocharis, Y. (2015) “Tweeting Alone? An analysis of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital in Online Networks”, American Politics Research, vol. 43 no. 4 708-738

Fábrega, J., Sajuria, J. (2014) “The Emergence Of Political Discourse in Online Networks: The Case of the Occupy Movement”, Int. J. of Organisational Design and Engineering Vol 3(3/4) pp. 210-222

Sajuria, J. (2013), “Is the Internet Changing Our Conception of Democracy?: An Analysis of the Internet Use During Protests and its Effect on the Perception of Democracy”. Rev. Politica Vol. 50(1) pp. 9-29

Book chapters and selected working papers

Makropoulos, I., Collignon, S, Giebler, H., Rüdig, W., Sajuria, J., Weßels, B., (2020) “Determinants of personalised campaigning: a comprarative analysis” in Parliamentary Candidates Between Voters and Parties. A Comparative Perspective edited by Lieven De Winter, Rune Karlsen, Hermann Schmitt. Palgrave, UK.

Sajuria, J. Alenda, S., Dosek, T. (2019) “Ciclo de vida y diferencias organizacionales en los partidos de la centro-derecha chilena” in Anatomía de la centro-derecha chilena: Nuevos y viejos protagonistas edited by Alenda, S., Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico.

Sajuria, J., “More Political, Less Voting: the Internet Paradox”, in “More Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box” (eds. Rob Ford & Phil Cowley)

Sajuria, J., Fábrega, J. (2015), “Do We Need Pools? Why Twitter Will Not Replace Opinion Surveys But Can Complement Them” in Digital Methods for Social Sciences, edited by Helene Snee, Christine Hine, Yvette Morey, Steven Roberts and Hayley Watson, Palgrave

Sajuria, J. (2013). “Internet et conception de la démocratie aujourd’hui”. In Les réseauz sociaux sur Internet à l’heure des transitions democratiques, Siheem Najar (ed.), IMRC - Karthala, Paris

Sajuria, J. (2009), “Descentralización de Partidos Políticos: Una Propuesta de Financiamiento Público Permanente” Chapter in Pensando Chile desde las Regiones, CONAREDE; Santiago, Chile


Current PhD students:

  • Sarah Tustin
  • Victoria León Porath

Public Engagement

Invited Lectures


“Fake News in the Context of the Mexican Elections”, UCL, London

“Mobilisation through Technology: Methods and Questions“, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile


“Seminario Candidaturas Chile“, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile
“Chilean Elections in context”, Canning House, London
“Using Hybrid Data to Study Hybrid Events”, Warwick University Q-Step Centre


“Assessing Non-Response in Candidate Surveys”, Strathclyde University.
“Brexit and its Consequences in Latin America”, London School of Economics.
“The Myth of the Local Candidate”, Escuela de Gobierno, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile


“Bowling Alone: Social Capital in Online Networks”, Oxford Internet Institute. 

“Workshop in Digital Activism”, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Lunch seminars, Instituto Asuntos Públicos Universidad de Chile.


“Chile: 50 Reforms in the First 100 Days”, King’s College London. 2012 

“X-Ray to Voluntary Voting: Chile”, London School of Economics.
“Internet, Protests and Democracy: A comparative analysis from the UK and Chile” , Research Institute of the Contemporary Mahgreb (IRMC), Tunisia.


President of the Chilean Political Science Association (ACCP)

Member of the board of Espacio Público


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