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NIHR Barts Biomedical Research Centre

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News and Events

Molecular Imaging of the Adrenal Glands in 3 Patients. New treatment offers quick cure for common cause of high blood pressure
10 February 2025

A revolutionary new treatment called Targeted Thermal Therapy (Triple T) offers a safer, faster alternative to surgery for patients with high blood pressure caused by Primary Aldosteronism, a hormonal disorder. 

Queen Mary University of London is playing a key role in major new European research initiative to combat Multi-Drug Resistant Rheumatoid Arthritis (MDR-RA)
29 January 2025

The MDR-RA (Multi-Drug Resistance in Rheumatoid Arthritis) project, with a total budget of €8.4 million, is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation. 

Statins Statins “highly likely” to be cost effective and improve health for vast majority of over-70s
11 September 2024

Statin use is cost effective and linked to improved health outcomes in people aged over 70 with and without previous cardiovascular disease, according to results from a study published in Heart.

Researchers identify over 2,000 genetic signals linked to blood pressure in study of over 1 million people
30 April 2024

The Queen Mary-led study reveals the most detailed picture yet of genetic contributors to blood pressure. The findings lead to improved polygenic risk scores, which will better predict blood pressure and risk for hypertension.

FLAMIN-GO project logo FLAMIN-GO’s 2nd review meeting in Porto
20 March 2024

On the 21st and 22nd of February, a second review meeting took place for the FLAMIN-GO project, a European research initiative targeting a breakthrough in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). This 36-month milestone meeting, hosted by the i3S Institute in Porto, Portugal, brought together project partners to share progress, tackle challenges, and set the course for future advancements.

Covid-BP study smartphone app New study shows personalised approach starting with small drug doses adjusted according to progress improved treatment of hypertension during COVID lockdown
8 February 2024

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that personalising the dose of amlodipine using novel doses can improve blood pressure (BP) control and achieve high adherence in participants measuring their BP at home.

NIHR Barts BRC and CRF MSK programme celebrates EULAR Centre of Excellence Award
17 November 2023

The NIHR Barts Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and NIHR Barts Clinical Research Facility (CRF) marked a key moment on Tuesday November 7th at the Graduate Centre, Mile End Campus, as they celebrated the inclusion of Musculoskeletal (MSK) research into the BRC programme and recognised the newly awarded EULAR Centre of Excellence status.

Staff from the Genes & Health Stage 1 Team recruiting participants Trust is the most important factor for British South Asians when taking part in genetic research to tailor medications
1 November 2023

A study led by Dr Emma Magavern from the Centre of Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine at Queen Mary University of London has gathered detailed insights from the British South Asian community that could lead to more successful implementation of genetic testing to help tailor the use of routine medications.

Red blood cells Women given new insight into blood clot risk
19 September 2023

New research from Queen Mary University of London, published in iScience, shows an increased risk of blood clots in women who have any combination of a particular gene mutation, oestrogen use, or common medical conditions – specifically: obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and kidney disease.

Blood Pressure Monitoring Unlocking the genetic mysteries of blood pressure: new research identifies potential causal genes and drug targets
8 September 2023

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London and Universities of Manchester, Zaragoza and Oxford, have revealed the genetic underpinnings of blood pressure regulation, offering hope for more effective treatments and preventative measures for hypertension.

Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology awarded European Centre of Excellence status
23 August 2023

The Centre for Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology (EMR) at Queen Mary University of London has been honoured with the highly prestigious EULAR Centre of Excellence award in recognition of its outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology and dedication to improving patient care.

Genetic study shows that common medication used to prevent heart attacks may be ineffective for majority of British South Asians
21 August 2023

A new study by researchers at Queen Mary University of London has found that a commonly prescribed medication used to prevent heart attacks is much less likely to benefit people of Bangladeshi and Pakistani ancestry, compared to people of European descent.

Genetic study of British South Asians challenges previous work linking statin use to increased cataract risk
7 July 2023

New research, led by Queen Mary University of London, has unpicked the threads linking statin use, ethnicity and the risk of developing young-onset cataracts in British people with South Asian ancestry. 

Dr Jianmin Chen holding a model heart as part of her presentation, 'Exploring the connection between rheumatoid arthritis and heart health' Barts and Queen Mary Science Festival returns to Charterhouse Square
23 June 2023

The Barts and Queen Mary Science Festival is an engaging event for secondary school pupils interested in science and medicine.

New research identifies which cells in horses’ tendons are affected by ageing, leading to injury
23 May 2023

A group of researchers including Queen Mary Professor Hazel Screen have been exploring what causes tendon damage in horses and have discovered that a particular region of the tendon called the interfascicular matrix (IFM) seems to be the source of ageing changes. As horse and human tendons are similar, these significant findings can now help us understand the cell populations that drive tendon injury in humans to identify and test new treatments.

Queen Mary announce Professors Mark Bradley and Maik Pietzner to join the Precision Health University Research Institute
19 May 2023

The arrival of Professor Maik Pietzner as the new Chair for Health Data Modelling, shows that Queen Mary’s new Precision Healthcare University Research Institute (PHURI) continues to attract top academic talent from around the world. 

Ovarian cancer's protective barrier: how the tumour matrix teaches cells to disarm immune attack
16 May 2023

A structure surrounding ovarian cancer trains cells called macrophages to protect the tumour from immune attack, according to new research led by Queen Mary University of London. 
The work uncovers tactics that the tumour uses to disarm the immune system and points towards potential therapeutic strategies to overcome the cancer’s defences and treat patients more effectively.

Ethnic minority patients yearn for warmth from health care professionals, research finds
11 May 2023

Developing better connections between ethnic minority patients and health care professionals could drive more positive health care experience for ethnic minority patients, researchers have found.

Queen Mary University of London opens new centre for medicine
4 May 2023

This week Queen Mary University of London held the opening ceremony for their new satellite campus for the teaching of medicine in the heart of Ilford.

Genes & Health expands to mental health and pregnancy research with £2 million Medical Research Council award
25 April 2023

Genes & Health, a pioneering genetic research programme that aims to improve health for British Bangladeshi and British Pakistani communities, has started 2023 celebrating new milestones.

Funding boost to help develop targeted healthcare for patients in east London
14 October 2022

Barts Health NHS Trust have received £20.9 million in funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), providing a major boost to their plans to tackle health inequalities and deliver pioneering, innovative healthcare to the people of east London and beyond.

Update from the Principal: Professor Sir Mark Caulfield appointed Vice-Principal (Health)
17 December 2021

Principal Professor Colin Bailey has written to all staff announcing the appointment of Professor Sir Mark Caulfield as the new Vice-Principal (Health).

Whole genome sequencing improves diagnosis of rare diseases and shortens diagnostic journeys for patients
11 November 2021

A world-first scientific study, published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, has shown that whole genome sequencing (WGS) can uncover new diagnoses for people across the broadest range of rare diseases investigated to date and could deliver enormous benefits across the NHS.

World first in AI helps predict heart attacks and stroke
14 February 2020

The project used data from the Barts BioResource, a research, audit and educational health resource, which supports research into cardiovascular diseases.

Next generation of scientists attend Barts and Queen Mary Science Festival
26 June 2019

Budding young scientists from schools across London attended the Barts and Queen Mary Science Festival held at Queen Mary University of London.

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