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The future of cancer care in the UK: a report co-authored by Queen Mary University of London’s Professor Fiona Walter

Professor Fiona Walter, Director of the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, is one of 12 of the country’s leading cancer experts who have today (Wednesday 15 November) published a 10 point plan for the improvement of the UK’s cancer services.

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The plan, published in Lancet Oncology, comes at a time of record NHS waiting lists for cancer treatment. It highlights the UK’s poor performance in cancer care compared to other countries and sets out a blueprint for a new cancer strategy, with the aim of developing a sustainable national cancer control plan based in improving outcomes for patients.

Professor Walter said: “Cancer survival rates in the UK are disappointingly poor compared with other countries, and there is evidence of widening patient inequalities. There is an urgent need for this dedicated national cancer plan to improve patient care by delivering equitable, affordable, research-informed cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment.”

The 10 point plan can be read in full on the Wolfson Institute of Population Health website.

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