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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Dr Giorgio Chianello


Senior Lecturer in Chemistry | Director of Science and Engineering Foundation Programme | Outreach and Public Engagement Coordinator for Chemistry

Telephone: +44 (0)207 882 6712
Room Number: Joseph Priestley Building, Room 1.03


Dr Giorgio Chianello is a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Director of Science and Engineering Foundation and Outreach and Public Engagement Coordinator for the Department of Chemistry. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Currently, he is an elected member of the senate at Queen Mary University, and a member of the Higher Education Committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry which represents those with an interest in chemistry in higher education and provides a supportive network promoting collaboration, innovation, and dissemination of effective learning and teaching practice throughout the chemical sciences. He is a reviewer for the Student Enhanced Engagement & Development (SEED) award.

Before joining QMUL as an academic Giorgio's background was based on nanotechnology and drug delivery. However, he is now involved in educational research focussing on new teaching technologies (including use of AI in education and research) and enhancing diversity and inclusion within the scientific community. His work on student-staff co-creation has been recognised by the Faculty of Science & Engineering Student Experience and Education award in 2022 and the Student Enhanced Engagement & Development (SEED) award in 2021.

Giorgio has over 10 years of experience delivering outreach and public engagement events and is very passionate about science dissemination and widening participation at all levels (schools, professionals, universities, the general public etc.). Giorgio is involved in the design, organisation and delivery of numerous activities including Spectroscopy Masterclasses (hands-on IR and NMR workshops for sixth form students), Laboratory Taster Days, the International and Residential Chemistry Summer Schools, the Salters Festival of Chemistry, and the Festival of Communities. Giorgio also delivers talks to schools and colleges on various topics including Nanotechnology, Studying Chemistry at University, Careers in Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and more.


Public Engagement

Dr Giorgio Chianello is the Outreach and Public Engagement Coordinator for the Department of Chemistry. For more info on activity offered see the Chemistry Department's outreach activities here.



Making diversity Count Fixing the Leaky Pipeline as part of the Missing Element grant from the Royal Society of Chemistry (October 2023 - October 2026)
Creating curriculum resources to showcase scientific contribution from overlooked scientists.

Making diversity Count Fixing the Leaky Pipeline as part of the The President and Principal’s Fund for Educational Excellence from QMUL (since 2024)
Creating a virtual reality environment powered by large language models were people are able to interact with avatars from overlooked scientists.

AI tools for education and research (since 2023)
Interactive sessions for students from foundation to master level and members of staff.

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