Level: PhD Course: All PhDs in the Faculties of Science and Engineering and Humanities and Social Sciences Country/Region: China Value: Full tuition fee waiver and living stipend (£1350/month) for 4 years No. of awards: Variable Deadline: Wednesday 29th January 2025
Under the scheme, Queen Mary will provide scholarships to cover all tuition fees, whilst the CSC will provide living expenses and one return flight ticket to successful applicants. This scholarship is available to both new and continuing (current 1st year) students. Associate students who want to come to Queen Mary for 6-24 months are also able to apply.
Places are available in the following schools:
Applicants are asked to follow our usual online application process and identify themselves as CSC scholars in the funding section of their application.
The application form for each subject can be found by selecting your subject area from the drop-down menu. Please make sure to choose "Semester 1" and "Full-Time". https://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/applying-for-a-phd/
For visiting/associate students, who are coming to Queen Mary for a short amount of time, as part of your current PhD, please apply via this page https://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/associate/
For applicants for Economics and Finance, you will first be admitted onto the MRes programme for two years. Then, subject to good progress, you will be transferred onto the PhD programme for the third, fourth and fifth years.
You must meet the IELTS requirements for your course and send the evidence to Admissions within plenty of time of CSC's application deadline. You are therefore strongly advised to sit an approved English Language test as soon as possible. Your IELTS test must still be valid when you enrol for the programme. They are valid for 2 years.
The deadline for applications to Queen Mary is 29 January 2025.
Once applicants have obtained their offer letter from Queen Mary they should then apply to CSC for the scholarship by the advertised deadline. For September 2025 entry, applicants must complete the CSC application on the CSC website.
Please note that CSC application rules differ slightly for domestic applicants (students applying from China) and overseas applicants (students applying from overseas) –please see the CSC website for further guidance.
If successful in your application you must start your programme in the 2025/26 academic year. Scholarships cannot be deferred to the following academic year.
For any questions about the Queen Mary/CSC partnership please contact international-partnerships@qmul.ac.uk For more detailed questions about your PhD proposal and the application process please contact your school on the contact details listed above.
Peng Zhao, PhD Mathematics
Peng studied for his Master’s in Theoretical Physics at the University of Chinese Academic Sciences. He is now studying “The Characteristic Initial value Problem in General Relativity” in the School of Mathematical Sciences under the supervisions of Dr Juan Valiente-Kroon. They are part of the Geometry and Analysis research group.
He applied to QMUL because of the strength of the general relativity research group and the multicultural experience you get from studying at an international university. The department has a great programme of meetings, seminars and conferences for PhD students to expand their horizons and develop their networks.