Queen Mary University of London co-leads £43.6m initiative to accelerate AI-powered cancer breakthroughs
Disruption of a single amino acid in a cellular protein makes breast cancer cells behave like stem cells
Elevating creative and economic productivity with AI-powered music platformsSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer ScienceJosh ReissProfessor of Audio Engineering
Nutrient discovery delivers low-cost, drug-free treatment for obesityThe Blizard InstituteMadusha PeirisSenior Lecturer in Enteric Neurobiology
Are you listening? Verbatim Theatre gives voice and ear to care leaversSchool of English and DramaMaggie Inchley Senior Lecturer in Performance and Director of Schools Engagement (Drama)
Street art in Nepal displays powerful messages for women and girlsSchool of English and DramaCharlotte SalmiSenior Lecturer in Postcolonial and Global Literature