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School of Geography

Building transdisciplinary partnerships

A partnership development project investigating food and nutrition security in Zimbabwe. Funded by the AHRC.

Homesteads in Shurugwi district, Zimbabwe. Photo: Tim Brown.

About the project

Research at the interface of science and society is vital to improving policy responses to many of the world’s most challenging and persistent problems. One such problem is food and nutrition security, which has significant implications for children’s health and development across the life course.

Working with our partners, the Zvitambo Institute for Maternal and Child Health Research, Harare, our project builds upon multi-disciplinary and cross-institutional perspectives relating to two closely interconnected dimensions of this seemingly intractable problem: 1) population mobility and migration, and 2) changing food cultures.

The importance of these two elements is being explored by the research team through a combination of participatory workshops and field research in Shurugwi district, Zimbabwe and across the Zimbabwe diaspora in the UK. Findings from this 18-month project are expected in 2022.

To find out more about the project, please visit our website or contact a member of the project team:

  • Dr Tim Brown (PI), Reader in Health Geography, School of Geography, QMUL
  • Professor Kavita Datta, Professor of Development Geography, School of Geography, QMUL
  • Ms Exhibit Matumbu, Research Assistant, Zvitambo
  • Dr Thabani Mutambasere, Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, School of Geography, QMUL
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