Please note that these forms are for currently enrolled QMUL students who have successfully applied for a Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA) and have been asked to contribute £200 towards the cost of a computer. These students can apply to have the £200 paid by Queen Mary University of London via the Financial Assistance Fund.
If you have yet to enrol, or you have not had a response from your DSA needs assessment from either Student Finance England (or alternative DSA funding body) then you will not be able to submit this form until you have completed enrolment and received confirmation from SFE etc. that they expect you to pay £200 toward the price of a computer through the DSA.
Please complete the form below:
Please complete the full Financial Assistance application form and your eligibility will be assessed based on your financial need.
To apply:
You must submit your claim within 3 months of receiving your DSA2 letter or by the Financial Assistance Fund closing date, whichever is earlier.