Spending a period abroad during your studies is an enriching and exciting way to broaden your experience and develop a global perspective. The students we send abroad every year as close as Europe and as far afield as Asia or the Americas build employability skills to succeed after graduation, to integrate multicultural work environments. Queen Mary has links with prestigious institutions around the world where you can boost your skills and employability by learning in your degree field from a different perspective, expanding your worldview and network.
We want all of our students to be able to enjoy the international opportunities we offer. We therefore offer a range of flexible opportunities for Queen Mary students who are interested in having an international experience during their degree, from summer schools to semester and year-long exchanges. You can count on the Global Opportunities Office in coordination with the Disability & Dyslexia Service to help you consider which opportunity could be the best fit for you if you wish to participate.
Before you apply to Global Opportunities, the Disability and Dyslexia Service can help you plan ahead and coordinate with the Global Opportunities team by considering together what support (accommodations or adjustments) you would need for potential destinations and then by assessing what a host institution would need to arrange for you.
Students from low-income, widening participation and/or other backgrounds currently underrepresented in mobility are prioritised for any funding available that is managed by the Global Opportunities team. These backgrounds include students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). SEND students may also be eligible for additional financial support from the Turing Scheme for placements lasting four weeks or longer.
We hope that you consider going abroad during your time with Queen Mary by applying for one of these opportunities, summarised below. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
If you are studying abroad in the academic year 2025-26 you may be eligible to apply for funding to support you with SEND costs. Please look through our resources to help you determine your eligibilty and calculate costs.
Queen Mary offers undergraduate students from most degree programmes the opportunity to spend an academic exchange abroad during term time, either for an optional autumn semester or a full academic year abroad (please note that not all opportunities are available to all Queen Mary students; please check with your academic school for more details) at one of our partner universities. Completing an exchange abroad is an integral part of your degree as the modules you follow abroad are selected in consultation with the Go Abroad Coordinator in your academic department, and therefore, these count towards your degree. Completing an exchange abroad has a financial impact, which students should research carefully before committing to applying.
You must complete the Global Opportunities application process during the autumn of your first year if you want to go abroad for an optional semester, or during autumn of your second year to go abroad for the full academic year as part of a ‘with a year abroad’ (or WAYA) degree programme. Therefore, it is good to get in touch with your school’s Go Abroad Coordinator and the Global Opportunities team as early as possible to discuss your interest, learn more about the opportunities available to you, and get support to help you prepare to apply.
Every year, Queen Mary works with its partner universities across the globe to design and promote accessible and affordable international experiences for our students during the summer. Going abroad during the summer or for a short-term period represents an inclusive opportunity for students with competing priorities, multiple commitments and/or challenging circumstances, for whom a long-term exchange might not be the right fit.
This type of placement also does not count towards your degree but is a valuable cultural experience. Research also shows that short-term experiences abroad can have tremendous positive impact for you and bring many benefits, even as short as one week. Therefore, a summer/short-term period abroad can be an ideal alternative to an exchange, or a taster opportunity to see what going abroad can be like with fewer logistical or financial pressures.
All the summer programmes at our partners are different, concentrating on academic study, language learning, work with local communities, cultural immersion, or a combination of all these elements. Participation in one of these opportunities gives you support where you need it from one of our trusted partners. These opportunities are also flexible: you can go abroad for just one week or up to four or even six weeks.
Queen Mary is also committed to securing several tuition-free spaces at select partner summer schools every year, which are prioritised for home students (i.e. students with home/UK fee status) applying from low-income backgrounds. These students would be exempt from paying the partner’s programme/participation fee. Students can also apply for further financial support for one of these promoted summer school opportunities to help with the cost of travel and subsistence abroad.
The list of opportunities is growing and develops every year, so please consult our pages to learn more. You can also register your interest to join the Global Opportunities’ mailing list to be informed about opportunities for the following summer.
More information about opportunities for Outgoing Students.