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Vasyli Award, Royal College of Podiatry for Podiatric Sports Medicine

About the award

Level: Masters
Course: MSc or Postgraduate Diploma in Podiatric Sports Medicine
Country/Region: United Kingdom
Value: The maximum award is £1,500. All other expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the award winner
No. of awards: One
Deadline: 30 June 2024

More information

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must have

  • graduated with minimum BSc (Hons) in Podiatric Medicine
  • be either a Member or a Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry, and
  • be HCPC registered

Application process

All scholarship applications should be sent to before the deadline, which will be 30 June 2024 along with all documentation specified below:

  • A full Curriculum Vitae
  • 2 references from either a current employer or University academic

Please note the following requirements:

  • Applicants must be able to attend for a virtual interview on a given date and time. Any cost incurred will be the responsibility of the applicant
  • The successful applicant will start the course during the same year as the award. Failing to do so may result in the award being withdrawn and, the final decision will be at the discretion of either Chair or the Vice Chair of the Specialist Advisory Group for Podiatric Sports Medicine.
  • The applicants should ensure that they will be able to complete their chosen qualification in Podiatric Sports Medicine. All fees will be repayable to the university in the event the course is not completed.

Professor Nat Padhiar and Mr Trevor Prior will select the candidates who will be required to attend for a virtual interview on an allocated date and time. Successful candidates will enrol for the academic year starting in the same year as the application. You will not be able to defer to the following year and the award will be withdrawn and given to the candidate on the reserve list.

For more information and to download your application form, please visit the Vasyli Award webpage. Please submit all applications for 2024 entry to by 30 June 2024.

For further information about the Vasyli Award, please contact Ms Gillian Morrey (email:

For more information about our Podatric Sports Medicine programmes and to apply, please visit the programmes website

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