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Marshall Scholarships

About the award

Level: Masters, PhD
Course: Any full-time Master's or PhD
Country/Region: United States of America
Value: Full tuition and living costs.
No. of awards: Up to 2 each year.
Deadline: Marshall applications for September 2023 entry are now closed

More information

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The Queen Mary Marshall Scholarship is made available each year for two US citizens wishing to pursue postgraduate study. 

Jointly funded by Queen Mary and the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, this award supports up to two years of study in any subject at either Masters or Doctoral level (with a possibility of extension to a third year for doctoral studies).

Founded by a 1953 Act of Parliament, and named in honour of US Secretary of State George C Marshall, the Marshall Scholarships commemorate the humane ideals of the Marshall Plan and express the continuing gratitude of the British people to their American counterparts. Marshall Scholarships support around forty young Americans in their studies each year. As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions.

The award

The QMUL Marshall Scholarship offers support for candidates wishing to pursue up to two years of postgraduate study, on any Masters or PhD programme across the University. A third year of funding may be available for students engaged in doctoral degrees.

The QMUL Marshall Scholarship covers full overseas tuitions fees, costs for any compulsory fieldwork, and provides a generous stipend to meet living costs throughout the duration of your course.

The award is open to US citizens.

How to apply

Applications are made online directly to the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission. Marshall applications for September 2022 entry are now closed

Please be aware that your undergraduate institution may have an earlier deadline by which you need to submit your application to the Marshall Scholarships in order for them to read and approve your submission. Please consult your individual institution for further information.

To be eligible for a 2023 Marshall Scholarship, candidates must:

  • Be citizens of the United States of America (at the time they apply for a scholarship);
  • (By the time they take up their scholarship ie September 2023) hold their first undergraduate degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the United States;
  • Have obtained a grade point average of not less than 3.7 on their undergraduate degree at the time of application. We do not accept rounded GPA's.
  • Have graduated from their first undergraduate college or university after April 2019.
  • Not have studied for, or hold a degree or degree-equivalent qualification from a British University or GCSE or A Levels taken at school in the UK

Candidates must also apply to their chosen course online following our standard admissions procedures.

Ineligible programmes

The following Kew Gardens-based course is not eligible for the Marshall Scholarship:

  • MSc Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation

Meet our scholars

We had 2 Marshall Scholars for 2018-9, both joining us after completing their degrees at Yale University. 

Erika Lynn-Green studied English and pre-Med at Yale before using her Marshall Scholarship to enrol on the MSc Global Health Systems Theory and Policy in the Blizard Institute at Queen Mary. We asked her about her motivations to apply for this course and plans for the future:

"As an English major and pre-medical student, I want to write efficient, compassionate healthcare systems. Our outcomes are pitiful in the US, and they will not improve while patients encounter a crowded, confusing system or cannot pay for their care. I was certain that I wanted to be a doctor after I took my first health systems course and discovered that I could both save lives and change healthcare delivery. Novel drugs and techniques treat conditions in ways unthinkable even ten years ago, but patients must be able to find, schedule, and afford this care for those advances to matter. Patient access to health and equity in outcomes must come first, and that necessitates systemic policy changes with the UK as a model. We can no longer ration healthcare based on cost.

"The Global Health Systems Theory and Policy MSc offered by Queen Mary could have been created for me. With its combination of systems theory and economics, and attention to health equity and justice, I will enter medicine with a thorough understanding of healthcare as both a business and a human right. Queen Mary's reputation for activism and its strong principles of institutional equity drew me to it above other schools, along with its academic excellence and the exceptional research opportunities at the Blizard Institute."

Our 2017-8 Marshall Scholar was Debbie Samaniego who is studying for a MA International Relations in our School of Politics and International Relations. Debbie previously studied at Westminister College, Salt Lake City and following her time in London, she'll enrol onto her PhD in Migration Studies at Sussex.

Debbie has ambitions for an academic career and hopes to work with migrant communities, helping to fight against injustice and obstacles they may face. She believes that the Marshall Scholarship will be pivotal in aiding her to achieve her ambitions. She writes "the Marshall scholarship will help me achieve these goals as it relieves me from the financial demands of higher education, and allows me to begin building a network with UK scholars who are also engaged with migrant and refugee populations."


Kate Glaser
Regional Manager, North America


International Partnerships Team

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