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Sanctuary Scholarship 2024/25

About the award

Level: Undergraduate
Course: All in the Faculty of Science & Engineering or the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Country/Region: United Kingdom
Value: Full fee waiver; £1,700 Queen Mary Bursary per year; £8,610 living cost grant per year for those living in a parental home or £13,348 living cost grant for those living independently
No. of awards: up to 2
Deadline: This fund is now closed to applications

More information

Queen Mary University of London is offering tuition fee and maintenance support for up to two undergraduate students who are asylum seekers or have a temporary immigration status awarded as a result of a claim for asylum but outside of the immigration rules, studying on degree programmes in the Faculty of Science & Engineering or the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Successful applicants will be awarded a full tuition fee waiver and maintenance support. The non-repayable maintenance scholarship will include £1,700, the equivalent of the Queen Mary Bursary, and the equivalent of the student loan which most closely matches your circumstances, £8,610 for those living in a parental home, £13,348 for those living independently.

Funding will be provided for the normal duration of your course, if you need to apply for extra funding, e.g. for a course change or repeat year, your individual circumstances will be examined by the panel and a decision will be communicated to you.


For us to consider your application for our Sanctuary Scholarship you must:

  • have a temporary immigration status awarded as a result of a claim for asylum but outside of the immigration rules (e.g. limited leave to remain, discretionary leave to remain, humanitarian protection); or
  • be an asylum seeker or child of an asylum seeker;


  • be ineligible to obtain funding from the Student Loan Company due to your immigration status; and
  • have submitted a UCAS application for a place on an Undergraduate course in the Faculty of Science & Engineering or the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences by 31st January 2024, have received a conditional or unconditional offer from Queen Mary University of London; and
  • not already hold an equivalent or higher level qualification.

How to apply

The deadline for the Sanctuary Scholarship 2024/25 is 20th May 2024

Please complete the form below to submit your application:

Application form 2024/25

Alongside your application, you must email all relevant documentation to - this may include but is not limited to:
  • Immigration Bail Reporting Notice (this may also be referred to as a Temporary Admission Document or BAIL 201) – please include every page of this document
  • ARC (Application Registration Card)
  • Letter entitled ‘Determination of Asylum Claim’
  • BRP (Biometric Residence Permit) – clear, colour copies of the front and back of the card
  • Grant letter that accompanied your Leave to Remain – this must indicate you were granted Refugee Status/Humanitarian Protection (HP) or Discretionary Leave (DL) as the result of an asylum claim
  • The most recent documentation you have received from the Home Office in conjunction with your application/appeal – this must show your Home Office reference number.

Please also attach a copy of your chosen ID document to this email. Acceptable ID documents include:

  • ARC (Application Registration Card)
  • BRP (Biometric Residency Permit)
  • Passport/Travel Document
  • Driving License
  • Birth Certificate

When you are completing your application, you may wish to refer to our guidance notes to assist you with your application.

Sanctuary_Scholarship_Guidance_Notes_24_25 [PDF 242KB]

If you have any enquiries about your application please find our contact details below:

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