Dr Frederike BeyerSenior Lecturer in Psychology, Interim Head of Department of Psychology Email: f.beyer@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7183Room Number: Room 2.36, Fogg BuildingResearchPublicationsSupervisionResearchResearch Interests:Current Projects Acting in social contexts: individual behaviour can vary greatly between situations in which people are alone, or others are present. We explore how social contexts influence cognition, learning and decision-making. Emotional reactivity and cognition: reactivity to threat is a basic temperamental trait that has been related to higher cognitive functions, especially social cognition. We investigate the role of emotional reactivity in social development, cognitive performance and aggressive behaviour. Sense of agency in human-robot interactions: Increasingly, aspects of our daily lives are controlled by artificial agents, but it’s not well understood how this affects the human experience. In a collaboration with the IIT in Genova, we explore the experience of a sense of control in interactions with different robots. The neural basis of aggression: In collaboration with the Cognitive Neuroscience group at the University of Lübeck, we explore the cognitive mechanisms underlying different forms of aggressive behaviour. Research department Psychology Publications Browse a list of publications by Frederike Beyer SupervisionPhD supervision Simrandeep Cheema Yuzhu Zhang