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Nikon Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope (inverted)

The Nikon spinning disk confocal microscope is suitable for imaging of dynamic processes in living cells and fast acquisition of stacks in fixed preparations. The spinning disk ensures the sample is illuminated and light detected at multiple points simultaneously.The system is equipped with 6 lasers. Two sCMOS cameras allow imaging of both confocal and widefield applications. The microscope has an environmental chamber for live imaging and the piezo stage maintains focus throughout time lapse acquisitions.

Ti-E fully motorised inverted microscope patform. pE-4000 LED fluorescence light source and CoolLED pE-100 diascopic white light source. PLan Apo 10x; Plan Apo VC 20x; Super Plan Fluor ELWD 20x; Plan Flur 40x Oil (NA 1.3); Plan Apo Lambda 60x (NA 1.4); Plan Apo Lambda 100x (NA 1.45) objectives. Solid state LUN-V laser unit 405/445/488/514/561/640nm. Andor Zyla sCMOS camera for spinning disk option. A Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0v2 sCMOS camera for wide-field imaging. Nano-Z200 piezo Z drive  and Perfect Focus system. Okolab environment chamber. NIS Elements Advanced Research software.


Price per hour : £30

Price O/N :

Contact details

Facility : BCI Microscopy Facility

Campus : BCI Charterhouse Square

Address : 3nd Floor, John Vance Science Centre, Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6BQ

Manager : Linda Hammond

Contact : 020 7882 5132

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