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School of Business and Management

Dr Paula Serafini


Senior Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Industries; Inclusive Education Project Lead; Programme Director MA Creative Industries and Arts Organisation.




  • Senior Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Industries
  • Member of the Department of Business and Society
  • Inclusive Education Project Lead
  • Programme Director MA Creative Industries and Arts Organisation


Dr Paula Serafini holds a BA in Art History and Arts Management (Universidad del Salvador, Argentina), an MA in Anthropology and Cultural Politics (Goldsmiths) and a PhD in Social and Cultural Analysis (King’s College London). Prior to joining Queen Mary, she was a Research Associate at CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies at the University of Leicester. Dr Serafini’s work is in the field of cultural politics, and her research interests include extractivism, social movements and art activism, cultural labour, and socioecological transitions. Her research has been funded, among others, by the British Academy, and in 2023 her latest book Creating Worlds Otherwise received an honourable mention from the Visual Cultures Studies section of the Latin American Studies Association.  In addition to her academic work, Dr Serafini has over 15 years of experience working in and collaborating with the cultural sector. 



BUSM200: Cultural and Creative Industries and the Environment 

BUSM161 Funding and Financing in the Creative and Cultural Industries

Paula is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 


Research Interests:

Dr Serafini situates her research in the field of cultural politics. Her main interests include the politics of art and cultural production, art activism, cultural labour, cultural policy, environmental and social justice movements, socioecological transitions, the political ecology of cultural production and the cultural politics of extraction. In her research, she employs interdisciplinary approaches, drawing from cultural and media studies, political ecology, political ontology, sociology, anthropology and art theory. 

Dr Serafini’s current work considers the possibilities of culture and cultural production in enacting socioenvironmental transitions. As part of this research, she is collaborating with colleagues at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) in Argentina through a new working space called MUTUA [PDF 913KB]. 

Centre and Group Membership:



  • Serafini, Paula (2022) Creating Worlds Otherwise: Art, Collective Action and (Post)Extractivism. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press
  • Serafini, Paula (2018) Performance Action: The Politics of Art Activism. London: Routledge.


Edited books

  • Merlinsky, Gabriela & Serafini, Paula (eds) (2020) Arte y Ecología Política. Buenos Aires: CLACSO-IIGG.
  • Serafini, Paula; Holtaway, Jessica & Cossu, Alberto (eds) (2017) artWORK: Art, Labour and Activism. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


Journal articles

  • Serafini, Paula (2023) “Repensando el Cuerpo-Territorio: (Re)Territorializing the self”. Cluster "GeoSemantics Inhuman Becomings and Earthly Memories in the Global South", ASAP/J [online].
  • Serafini, Paula (2021) Extractivist violence and the Covid-19 conjuncture. Journal of the British Academy 9(s5): 95–116
  • Serafini, Paula (2021) A decolonial, ecofeminist ethic of care. Social Anthropology 0: 1-3.
  • Serafini, Paula & Novosel, Noelia (2020) Culture as care: Argentina’s cultural policy response to Covid-19. Cultural Trends. 1080/09548963.2020.1823821
  • Serafini, Paula (2020) ‘A rapist in your path’: Transnational feminist protest and why (and how) performance matters. European Journal of Cultural Studies 23(2): 290–295.
  • Serafini, Paula & Banks, Mark (2020) Living Precarious Lives? Time and Temporality in Visual Arts Careers. Culture Unbound.
  • Serafini, Paula (2019) Community Radio as a Space of Care: An Ecofeminist Perspective on Media Production in Environmental Conflicts. International Journal of Communication 13: 1-18
  • Newsinger, Jack & Serafini, Paula (2019) Performative Resilience: How the Arts and Culture Support Austerity in Post-Crisis Capitalism. European Journal of Cultural Studies.
  • Merlinsky, Gabriela & Serafini, Paula (2019) Arte y resistencias al extractivismo en Argentina. Lenguajes para defender y reinventar lo común. Ecología Política 57: 81-85.
  • Serafini, Paula & Smith Maguire, Jennifer (2019) Questioning the Super-Rich: Representations, Structures, Experiences. Cultural Politics 15(1): 1-14.
  • Serafini, Paula (2018) Mediating Identities: Community Arts, Media, and Collective Identity in the Frontline Resistance to Fracking. Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change 3(2): 11.
  • Serafini, Paula (2015) Prefiguring Performance: Participation and Transgression in Environmentalist Activism. Third Text 29(3): 195-206.
  • Serafini, Paula (2015) Beyond the Institution: Community-Centred Art Activism against the Commodification of Culture. Anarchist Studies 23(2): 68-88.


Journal guest-editorships

  • Smith Maguire, Jennifer & Serafini, Paula (2019) “Questioning the Super-Rich”. Cultural Politics 15(1).


Book chapters

  • Serafini, Paula. From Resistance to Worlds Otherwise: Art against Extractivism. In The Routledge Companion to Art and Capitalism. Danielle Child (ed). London: Routledge [forthcoming].
  • Serafini, Paula. El arte en la ecología política latinoamericana. In La ecología política latinoamericana desafía el presente. Balance y diálogos trasnacionales. Gabriela Merlinsky, David Dumoulin and Pierre Gautreau (eds). Buenos Aires/Paris: CLACSO-IIGG/IHEAL [forthcoming]
  • Serafini, Paula (2023) Collective action, performance and the body-territory in Latin American feminisms. The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence. Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge (eds). London: Routledge.
  • Serafini, Paula (2023) The Visual Politics of Extractivism. Visual Politics in the Global South. Anastasia Veneti and Maria Rovisco (eds). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Banks, Mark & Serafini, Paula (2020) Towards Post-Growth Creative Economies? Building Sustainable Cultural Production in Argentina. In The Industrialization of Creativity and its Limits. Iliya Kiriya, Yiannis Mylonas & Panos Kompatsiaris (eds). Cham: Springer. Pp 17-28.
  • Serafini, Paula (2020) Cultural Production beyond Extraction? A First Approach to Extractivism and the Cultural and Creative Industries in Argentina. In Cultural Industries and the Environmental Crisis: New Approaches for Policy. Kate Oakley & Mark Banks (eds). Cham: Springer. Pp 51-63.
  • Serafini, Paula & Garrard, Chris (2019) Fossil Fuel Sponsorship and the Contested Museum: Agency, Accountability and Arts Activism. In Museum Activism. Robert R. Janes and Richard Sandell (eds) London: Routledge. Pp 69-79.
  • Serafini, Paula (2017) Changing the Narrative: Highlighting Workers’ Rights in Environmental Art Activism. In artWORK: Art, Labour and Activism. Paula Serafini, Jessica Holtaway & Alberto Cossu (eds) London: Rowman & Littlefield International. Pp 105-126.
  • Serafini, Paula (2014) Subversion through Performance: Performance Activism in London. In The Political Aesthetics of Global Protest: The Arab Spring and Beyond. Pnina Werbner, Kathryn Spellman-Poots & Martin Webb (eds) Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Pp 320-340.


Policy publications

  • CAMEo (2018) Response to the UK Commons Select Committee’s Inquiry into the Social Impact of Participation in Culture and Sport, with Doris Eikhof.


Art books

  • Racedo, Jacinta & Serafini, Paula (eds) (2019) Aquí y allá/Here and there. La calle- lo público/The streets- the ‘public’. Leicester: University of Leicester.


Dr Serafini welcomes expressions of interest from prospective PhD students in the following areas:

  • Critical perspectives on the creative and cultural industries
  • Decolonial approaches to art and cultural production
  • Cultural and creative industries and cultural policy in Latin America
  • Art activism
  • Grassroots and alternative forms of cultural production and organising
  • Cultural production and the environment
  • The role of culture in socioecological transitions
  • Social movements and activism.

Public Engagement

Dr Serafini regularly acts as an advisor to arts, environmental, and educational organisations, and contributes to art projects as a curator and/or collaborator. She is also co-founder of the collective PLANK (Politically Led Art & Networked Knowledge).



  • Member of the Society for Latin American Studies.
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