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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Yiting Feng

PhD Student



Project Title: Spatial transformation from the parietal cortex to the hippocampus

Summary: The ability to navigate is an essential skill required by animals including human beings. Traditionally, it is widely accepted that there are two "frames" used to represent spatial information: The egocentric frame, which refers to locations relative to the subjects (self-centered) and the allocentric frame, which is defined as the specific positions of objects and sensory stimuli in the world (world-centered). From previous studies, it has been discovered that several spatial cells engaging in representation of space, for example, place cells in the hippocampus tend to fire at specific locations of environments, and the hippocampus is regarded as a center for allocentric spatial signals. On the other hand, neural activity in the parietal cortex shows spatial signals encoded in representation of peripersonal space (egocentric reference frame). However, an experimental understanding of how the transformation from egocentric inputs in the parietal cortex to allocentric spatial representation in the hippocampus is facilitated is lacking. The aim of this project is to determine spatial transformation from the parietal cortex to the hippocampus by using 2D-virtual reality (2D-VR) and in vivo electrophysiological recording in mouse models. 



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