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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Dr Nadine Lavan


Lecturer in Psychology/Biological Psychology

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 5401
Room Number: 2.04, Fogg Building

Undergraduate Teaching

Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology II (PSY209)


Research Interests:

When we hear a voice, we cannot only understand what is being said, we can also glean information about who is talking: Are they female or male? Does this voice sound friendly? Is the speaker familiar? If so, who are they?

My research investigates how we perceive the voices of others beyond what they are saying. Specially, I am currently examining how we perceive information about a person’s characteristics (identity, age, sex, personality, regional origin), under which circumstances we can do this well and which circumstances might pose challenges, and how person perception from voices may interact with other sources of information (e.g. faces or prior familiarity with a person).


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