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School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Dr Ivan Kadurin


Lecturer in Physiology

Room Number: Abernethy building, Room 3.19
Twitter: @Gugarin


I obtained my PhD in Life Sciences from the University of Tübingen in Germany. My PhD research with Professor Stefan Gründer focussed on neurophysiology and ion channel receptors in particular neuronal Acid -Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs). Then I undertook postdoctoral studies on neuronal Voltage – Gated Calcium (Cav) Channels with Professor Annette Dolphin (FRS) at UCL. I also worked as a visiting researcher in UCLA in the laboratory of Professor Riccardo Olcese apply Voltage-Clamp Fluorometry (VCF), an optical technique to study functional domains of Calcium Channels in live cells. In February 2022 I took a lectureship position at the Queen Mary University of London to establish my research laboratory supported by the New Investigator Research Grant by the MRC (2022-2025). My research aims to understand the structure-function relationship, interactions, and cellular trafficking of neuronal and cerebrovascular voltage-gated calcium channels, and the mechanism of action of drugs that target these channels to maintain human health and prevent disease.


  • BIO333 Neuroscience: From Molecules to Behaviour
  • BMD650 Research Project in Neuroscience
  • BIO604 Structured Research Project
  • BMD700P Biomedical Sciences Research Project


Research Interests:

My group investigates the structure-function relationship, interactions, and cellular trafficking of neuronal and cerebrovascular Calcium Channel proteins by focussing on novel pathways for their biological regulation. Cav channels control vital physiological processes including neurotransmitter release, neuronal excitability, cardiac contraction, and vascular tone. Abnormal Cav channel regulation can lead to severe human diseases including neuropathic pain and cardiovascular dysfunctions and their studies can help to maintain human health and prevent disease.


Examples of research funding:

UKRI- MRC: New Investigator Research Grant (2022- 2025)


Selected Publications

  1. Ivan Kadurin, Shehrazade Dahimene, Karen M Page, Joseph I J Ellaway, Kanchan Chaggar, Linda Troeberg, Hideaki Nagase, Annette C Dolphin, (2022) ADAM17 mediates proteolytic maturation of voltage-gated calcium channel auxiliary α2δ subunits, and enables calcium current enhancement Function, (2022);
  2. Dahimene S, Page KM, Kadurin I, Ferron L, Ho DY, Powell GT, Pratt WS, Wilson SW, Dolphin AC (2018) The α2δ-like Protein Cachd1 Increases N-type Calcium Currents and Cell Surface Expression and Competes with α2δ.Cell Rep. 25(6):1610-1621.e5.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.10.033
  3. Ferron L, Kadurin I, Dolphin AC Proteolytic maturation of α2δ controls the probability of synaptic vesicular release. (2018) eLife e37507
    DOI: 10.7554/eLife.37507
  4. Kadurin I, Rothwell SW, Lana B, Nieto-Rostro M, Dolphin AC. LRP1 influences trafficking of N-type calcium channels via interaction with the auxiliary α2δ-1 subunit (2017) Sci Rep 7:43802
  5. Kadurin I, Ferron L, Rothwell SW, Meyer JO, Douglas L, Bauer CS, Lana B, Alexopoulos O, Nieto-Rostro M, Pratt WS, Dolphin AC. Proteolytic maturation of α2δ is key to activation and neuronal trafficking of latent calcium channels (2016) eLife 5, e21143
    DOI: 10.7554/eLife.21143
  6. Cassidy JS, Ferron L, Kadurin I, Pratt WS, Dolphin AC. Functional exofacially tagged N-type calcium channels elucidate the interaction with α2δ-1 subunits (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(24):8979-84.
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1403731111
  7. Kadurin I, Alvarez-Laviada A, Ng SF, Walker-Gray R, D’Arco M,Fadel M, Pratt WS, Dolphin AC. Calcium currents are enhanced by alpha2delta1 lacking its membrane anchor. (2012) J Biol Chem
    287(40): 33554–33566
    doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.378554
  8. Huang Z, Lujan R, Kadurin I, Uebele VN, Renger JJ, Dolphin AC, Shah MM. Presynaptic HCN1 channels regulate Cav3.2 activity and neurotransmission at select cortical synapses. (2012) Nature Neurosci. 14(4):478-86
    doi: 10.1038/nn.2757
  9. Davies A*, Kadurin I* Alvarez-Laviada A, Douglas L, Nieto-Rostro M, Bauer CS, Pratt WS, Dolphin AC. (*-shared first author) The alpha2delta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels form GPI-anchored proteins, a posttranslational modification essential for function (2010) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(4):1654-9
    doi: 10.1073/pnas.0908735107
  10. Kadurin I, Huber S, Grunder S. A single conserved proline residue determines the membrane topology of stomatin (2009) Biochem J. 418(3):587-94
    doi: 10.1042/BJ20081662
  11. Kadurin I, Leisle L, Golubovich A, Grunder S N-linked glycans influence expression of Acid-Sensing Ion Channel (ASIC) 1a and 1b on the cell surface (2008) Biochem J. 412 (3): 469–475.


BHF Project grant (2019- 2021); MRC: New Investigator Research Grant (2022-2025)

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