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Registry Services

Room booking

The Timetabling Support Team manages the academic teaching bookings across all sites, as well as the booking of rooms for internal meetings and student societies.


The teaching timetables for the current academic year (displaying data for all centrally-booked rooms at all campuses) are available at Please be aware that this information is subject to change. You can find definitions of any abbreviated terms found in your timetable. 

Web room bookings

The Timetabling Support Team has introduced a web-based system for colleagues to make their one-off internal room-booking requests. This is not to be used for requesting bookings for modularised teaching activities. For more information please visit the Web Room Bookings page.

Room booking policy for non-teaching activities

The Room Bookings Policy for Non-Teaching Activity outlines the process for booking rooms for events such as public lectures and conferences, and all event organisers at Queen Mary should consult the policy when planning an event before booking rooms or facilities. The policy also explains the circumstances where charges for the use of rooms or facilities would be applied, and which teams are responsible for administering different types of room booking requests. The policy was revised in April 2014 to include two dedicated event categories for research conferences or workshops which are delivered in conjunction with an external organisation or body, but where the subject of the conference/event can be clearly aligned to Queen Mary research outputs.

Make a booking with Queen Mary Venues.

Catering is not allowed to be served or consumed within any centrally-managed teaching room.  Not all rooms/buildings have catering space associated with them, so please bear this in mind when booking space for meetings or events where you intend to serve refreshments for the attendees.  If you are in any doubt, please contact the team for advice:

Porterage for out-of-hours bookings

In many cases, events taking place in the evening and at weekends will require a porter to be present throughout to facilitate access to the building and to act in a health & safety and security capacity.  Porterage is arranged via the Estates Helpdesk - please contact them for prices and terms and conditions.  Please see the relevant Estates web page for further information on this service.

When organising non-teaching events it is necessary to communicate with various areas of Professional Services (i.e. Estates and Facilities, IT Services) once you have booked space with ourselves.  Often your booking will only be provisional, especially if outside of normal working hours, until we can be assured that certain necessary prerequisites have been arranged with the services providers.  For information on these various services, and contact details for making arrangements, please take the time to read this document:  

Colette Bowe and Martin Harris Rooms

These rooms are managed by the Council Secretariat.  For more information please see the Council Secretariat's web page

Multi-Faith Centre

The multi-faith centre is managed by QMSU. The Union has been consulting with student faith and belief groups to determine how these rooms can be used to reasonably accommodate for everyone’s needs. Three consultation sessions were held this year as well as consultation sessions last year, including one with architects designing the room.

Room bookings for student societies

The principal officers of an affiliated student society from QMSU or BLSA can apply to book teaching rooms for their normal activities.  This is done online, via the SU's website and form.

Certain teaching rooms within the Bancroft (Mile End) and Garrod (Whitechapel) buildings are available for all students to use as open-access shared study space when not booked for scheduled teaching/meetings.  As such, we are not able to make bookings for students requiring exclusive use of rooms.  Please check availability via Room Timetables online to see if a room is free.  Please note that the timetables information is subject to regular change.

Dance/fashion show rehearsals and similar such events are not permitted within the teaching rooms.

For Whitechapel, please see this additional document: Student use of Garrod building rooms - policy [PDF 8KB]

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