The 2024/25 Expeditions Fund is now open for applications for travel during the summer vacation, Saturday 07 June 2025 – Sunday 21 September 2025.
The Queen Mary Expeditions Fund offers financial assistance to continuing undergraduate and postgraduate students for expeditions during the summer vacation.
An expedition can be any kind of purposeful travel or outdoor pursuit, as an individual or in a group, in the UK or abroad. It can be connected to your academic or personal interests but should not be a compulsory part of your course such as a Medical or Dental Elective.
Last summer students went all over the world, from Fiji to Uzbekistan - camping, mountaineering, diving, hiking, filming, researching, studying at summer schools, networking and speaking at conferences. They made the most of the long summer vacation by attending internships and specialist training courses, and gained valuable experience by working with AI and volunteering to work with children, young people, turtles and dogs. You can read their inspiring accounts at the end of this page by clicking on Student Reports below
Start planning now - how can travel in the summer help you get the most out of your degree? Is there an archive in a UK or international city that will help with your dissertation research? Or a rural location suitable for fieldwork? The Fund is now open and you can apply via MySIS until the closing date of Friday 25th April 2025.
Expeditions Fund Guidance Notes & Policy [PDF 110KB]
Have a look at some of the reports below for inspiration and make sure you submit your own application by the closing date