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Alumni profiles

“Maths at Queen Mary allowed us to progress into careers we love” 

Rachel graduated from Queen Mary in 2018 and now works as a Risk models Analyst at Winterflood Securities. Here she talks about how her studies prepared her for life after graduation. 


“I graduated in Mathematics from Queen Mary after a fantastic three years at the Russell Group institution. The course was flexible and adaptable and I was able to choose from a large set of modules, ranging from applied to abstract mathematics. The careers service at the university was well designed and easy to use. The initiatives of the staff opened doors for me to learn about a variety of internships and volunteering placements which have helped shape my career so far.  

Qconsult, in partnership with J.P. Morgan, was an internship I applied for through Queen Mary which allowed me to undertake a part-time paid internship as a first-time consultant. This opportunity helped me when interviewing for summer internships later that year. 

All my experiences at Queen Mary have shaped me into who I am today, and with the help of the University and the excellent teaching within the department, I was able to start my career on the Bank of England Graduate Scheme in Foreign Exchange Policy, before moving on to work in algorithmic trading at Winterflood Securities.  

Overall, Queen Mary was a great University for me to progress, improve my performance and also enjoy the social side of university life.” 

Muhammed Ali Saleh, graduated in 2017 with a BSc in Mathematics Finance and Accounting. He now works as a Finance Business Analyst at Dyson. 

My time at Queen Mary was such a unique part of my life. I made amazing friends that inspired me. I was taught by lecturers who supported me. I joined societies and took part in events that I’d never thought I would join, and I ended up loving them. I had the opportunity to give back to Queen Mary too, by working for the School of Mathematical Sciences as an Ambassador. I also gave talks and tours to prospective undergrads, some of whom recognised and thanked me the next year after joining. 

My course had a range of modules spanning the spectrum of pure to applied maths. Some of my favourite subjects were probability and economics. I’ve leveraged the knowledge I obtained in my finance modules to start my career as an Analyst and I intend to continue growing my knowledge of the field. 

University teaches you so much, including technical knowledge, how to study, soft skills and more. But the most important thing you’ll learn is about who you are and what you can achieve. I very am grateful for all the opportunities I was provided at Queen Mary. 

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