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Why I love studying Chemistry at Queen Mary

Why I love studying Chemistry at Queen Mary

Afra is styding BSc Chemistry with a year in industry and she tells us everything she loves about studying Chemistry at QMUL. 

Studying chemistry at Queen Mary University is a unique experience that offers students a range of opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in this
fascinating field. From state-of-the-art facilities to world-renowned faculty members, Queen Mary provides an ideal environment for students who are passionate about chemistry and want to pursue a career in this exciting discipline. 

In this blog, I will explore what it is like to study chemistry at Queen Mary, highlighting some of the key aspects of the program.  


Facilities and Resources

One of the most significant advantages of studying chemistry at Queen Mary University is the access to cutting-edge facilities and resources. The chemistry department has a range of state-of the-art laboratories equipped with the latest instrumentation and equipment, including mass spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers, X-ray diffractometers, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. In addition to standard laboratory work, Queen Mary also offers specialised facilities such as the X-ray crystallography laboratory, which is dedicated to the determination of the three-dimensional structure of molecules. Moreover the chemistry department a has close collaborations with industry partners, providing students with the opportunity to work on real world projects and gain experience in industrial research settings. These collaborations have led to the establishment of specialised laboratories such as the AstraZeneca synthesis and solid-state laboratory, which is dedicated to the development of new pharmaceuticals through organic synthesis and solid-state chemistry. These resources enable students to gain hands-on experience and develop their practical skills, which are crucial for success in the field of chemistry.  

Faculty and Research 

The chemistry department at Queen Mary is home to world class faculty members who are leaders in their respective fields. They are dedicated to providing students with an exceptional education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The department’s research areas include organic, inorganic, physical and computational chemistry, among others, and students have the opportunity to participate in cutting edge research projects under the guidance of experienced faculty members.  



The chemistry programme at Queen Mary is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of chemistry. The programme consists of a combination of lectures, tutorials, laboratory work and research projects, and covers a wide range of topics including organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry. The programme also emphasise is the development of critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills, which are essential for success in the field.  

Student Life

At Queen Mary university, students studying chemistry have access to a vibrant and diverse community of fellow students, faculty members, an staff. The university offers a range of extracurricular activities including sports clubs, societies and cultural events, which provides students with opportunities to socialise and meet new people.  



The location of Queen Mary university in London is a significant advantage for students studying chemistry. London is a global hub for scientific research, and Queen Mary is located in the heart of this thriving scientific community. This location provides students with access to a range of research institutions, including the Francis Crick institution and the Wellcome trust, which offer opportunities for collaboration and networking. Additionally, London offers a diverse range of industries and businesses, including pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology firms, which provide potential career opportunities for graduates. The city also offers a range of cultural activities and events, which provide a well-rounded experience with students studying at Queen Mary university.  

Overall, studying chemistry at Queen Mary offers students a unique opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in this exciting field. With access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, world class faculty members, and a comprehensive curriculum, I believe students are well prepared to pursue a successful career in chemistry. 

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