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Prayer and contemplation rooms

With over 25,000 students and staff on its campuses in London, Queen Mary University of London is proud of its diverse multicultural population and is committed to encouraging religious understanding, freedom of speech and open social interaction. Our faith facilities at QMUL are places where people of different faiths can meet.

Prayer and Contemplation Rooms

The Multi-Faith Centre is situated in the Students' Union Hub at the Mile End campus (number 34 on the Mile End Campus map. Its two large rooms and adjacent washing facilities are designed as places of prayer, worship and reflection and is shared by students and staff of all faiths and beliefs. The rooms are assigned to particular faiths and faith groups at different times. This timetable is decided in consultation with student groups and varies according to the time of year. During Open Prayer times, the rooms can be used by all staff and students for quiet reflection, contemplation and prayer.

Some weeks Muslim staff and students are able to meet for Friday prayers in the Nest and the Multi-Faith Centre in the Students' Union Hub.

Smaller contemplation rooms are also available on the ground floor of the Mile End Library. These rooms are not bookable by groups or individuals but are available throughout the opening hours of the library (including the 24/7 opening period).

There is a Multi-Faith room for staff and students at Whitechapel campus, located in the Garrod Building, 3rd floor, accessed via the north corridor. The space is open 8am-10pm, 7 days a week. For more information about this facility contact

Provision of space for Friday Prayers

QMUL recognises the importance of Friday prayers to a significant proportion of our community and is committed to using all reasonable endeavours to provide a place on campus for students and staff to meet for Friday prayers. These take place in the Nest and the Multi-Faith Centre in the Students' Union Hub.

For more information, please contact QMSU VP Welfare (, the QMSU Reception ( or the Head Brother/Sister (

Chaplaincy Services

St Benet's (number 23 on the  Mile End Campus map)  is the name of QMUL's long established Christian Chaplaincy. The chaplaincy building on the Mile End Campus is owned by the Church of England and is open from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday during term-time.  

The building has two main areas: the Chapel, which is a beautiful grade II listed building available for prayer and reflection, and the lounge which is a relaxing meeting place for all students. 

There are regular services of prayer and worship in the Chapel as well as other activities in the lounge. Please visit St Benet's to see what is happening.

Chaplains are available for students and staff of all faiths and none. They support students and staff in any way they can, as well as engaging with spiritual aspects of university life.

For pastoral or spiritual support from any other faith community or information about local places of worship, please contact us and we'll do our best to help. 

Policies and Guidelines

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