Professor Matthew Purver, BA MPhil PhDProfessor of Computational LinguisticsEmail: +44 20 7882 7236Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 403Website: Hours: Wednesday 13:00-15:00TeachingResearchPublicationsTeachingNatural Language Processing (Postgraduate) Natural Language Processing (aka Computational Linguistics) has become an important and growing field in the last decade. Many of the most important applications for computing now involve the processing and understanding of spoken or written language: machine translation, question answering, news summarisation, text and opinion mining, and spoken dialogue systems like the iPhone's Siri. This module will introduce the core techniques in language processing, including statistical and rule-based approaches, and show how to apply them to the main application areas. Neural Networks and NLP (Postgraduate) Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become one of the most important technologies in Artificial Intelligence. Automatic methods for processing natural language now find application in almost every aspect of our communication in person or online, in particular through social media. The increased use of Neural Networks has played an important role in the most recent progress of NLP, as NN techniques have delivered improved performance in applications ranging from language modelling (next word prediction) to speech to machine translation to sentiment analysis. The proposed module provides a thorough introduction to this cutting-edge approach to developing NLP systems.ResearchResearch Interests: Computational linguistics / natural language processing Semantics and pragmatics of natural language Dialogue modelling and dialogue systems Mental health and dialogue Social media analysis Computational social science More information on my web page.Publications Armendariz CS, Purver M, Ulčar M et al. (2019). CoSimLex: A Resource for Evaluating Graded Word Similarity in Context. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Rohanian M, Hough J, Purver M (2019). Detecting depression with word-level multimodal fusion. 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association - INTERSPEECH DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2019-2283 QMRO: Nasreen S, Purver M, Hough J (2019). A Corpus Study on Questions, Responses and Misunderstanding Signals in Conversations with Alzheimer’s Patients. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: MCGREGOR SE, AGRES K, Rataj K et al. (2019). Re-Representing Metaphor: Modelling metaphor perception using dynamically contextual distributional semantics. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00765 QMRO: DROOG-HAYES M, WIGGINS GA, PURVER MRJ (2019). Detecting Summary-worthy Sentences: the Effect of Discourse Features. 13th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing DOI: 10.1109/ICSC.2019.00075 QMRO: Droog-Hayes M, Wiggins GA, Purver M (2019). Detecting Summary-Worthy Sentences: The Effect of Discourse Features. 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) DOI: 10.1109/icosc.2019.8665576 QMRO: qmroHref Martín-Vide C, Pollak S, Purver M (2019). Preface. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref McGinity MM, Purver M, Wiggins G (2019). The influence of cost on the emergence of a common language among cooperating agents. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, PURVER MRJ (2018). Self-Repetition in Dialogue and Monologue. AixDial: the 22nd SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Sadrzadeh M, Purver M, Hough J et al. (2018). Exploring Semantic Incrementality with Dynamic Syntax and Vector Space Semantics. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: PURVER MRJ, HOUGH J, HOWES C (2018). Computational Models of Miscommunication Phenomena. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1111/tops.12324 QMRO: Droog-Hayes M, Wiggins G, Purver M (2018). Automatic detection of narrative structure for high-level story representation. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HOUGH J, PURVER MRJ (2017). Probabilistic Record Type Lattices for Incremental Reference Processing. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50422-3_8 QMRO: McGregor S, Jezek E, Purver M et al. (2017). A geometric method for detecting semantic coercion. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Concannon S, Healey P, Purver M (2017). How natural is argument in natural dialogue?. Computational Models of Natural Argument DOI: doi QMRO: Chesney S, Liakata M, Poesio M et al. (2017). Incongruent Headlines: Yet Another Way to Mislead Your Readers. Proceedings of the 2017 EMNLP Workshop: Natural Language Processing meets Journalism DOI: 10.18653/v1/w17-4210 QMRO: qmroHref Concannon S, Healey PGT, Purver M (2017). Opening Up and Closing Down Discussion: Experimenting with Epistemic Status in Conversation. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, HOWES C, HOUGH J et al. (2016). Better late than Now-or-Never: The case of interactive repair phenomena. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X15000813 QMRO: Maleshkova J, Purver M, Weyrich T et al. (2016). Interactivity and User Engagement in Art Presentation Interfaces. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28722-5_8 QMRO: qmroHref Maleshkova J, Purver M, Weyrich T et al. (2016). Investigating Design and Evaluation Guidelines for Interactive Presentation of Visual Art. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28722-5_9 QMRO: qmroHref Agres KR, McGregor S, Rataj K et al. (2016). Modeling metaphor perception with distributional semantics vector space models. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref (2016). Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation, CC-NLG 2016, Edinburgh, UK, September 2016. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Gervás P, Griffiths SS (2016). Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation.. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G (2016). Process Based Evaluation of Computer Generated Poetry. Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation DOI: 10.18653/v1/w16-5508 QMRO: qmroHref Milajevs D, Sadrzadeh M, Purver M (2016). Robust Co-occurrence Quantification for Lexical Distributional Semantics. Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Student Research Workshop DOI: 10.18653/v1/p16-3009 QMRO: qmroHref Concannon S, Healey P, Purver M (2015). Shifting Opinions: Experiments on Agreement and Disagreement in Dialogue. 19th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (goDIAL) DOI: doi QMRO: Concannon S, Healey PGT, Purver M (2015). Taking a Stance: a Corpus Study of Reported Speech. 19th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (goDIAL) DOI: doi QMRO: McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G (2015). An Emergent Model of Metaphors as Transformations of Vector Spaces. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Agres K, McGregor S, Purver M et al. (2015). Conceptualizing Creativity: From Distributional Semantics to Conceptual Spaces. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Mylonas D, Purver M, Sadrzadeh M et al. (2015). The Use of English Colour Terms in Big Data. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Howes C, Gregoromichelaki E et al. (2015). Feedback in Conversation as Incremental Semantic Update. International Conference on Computational Semantics DOI: doi QMRO: Purver M, Sadrzadeh M (2015). From Distributional Semantics to Distributional Pragmatics?. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Sadrzadeh M, Purver M (2015). Geometry of Meaning from Words to Dialogue Acts. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref McGregor S, Purver M, Wiggins G (2015). Metaphor, Meaning, Computers and Consciousness. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Griffiths SS, McGinity MM, Forth J et al. (2015). Information-theoretic segmentation of natural language. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Sadrzadeh M, Stone M (2015). Introduction. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref (2015). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics, IWCS 2015, 15-17 April, 2015, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Hough J, Purver M et al. (2014). Helping, I Mean Assessing Psychiatric Communication: An Application of Incremental Self-Repair Detection. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Concannon S, Purver M (2014). Inferring Cultural Preference of Arts Audiences Through Twitter Data. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Hough J, Purver M (2014). Lattice Theoretic Relevance in Incremental Reference Processing. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Maleshkova J, Purver M (2014). Beyond the White Cube: Presentation of Visual Art in Interactive 3D Environments. nameOfConference DOI: 10.14236/ewic/eva2014.29 QMRO: qmroHref McGregor S, Wiggins G, Purver M (2014). Computational Creativity: A Philosophical Approach, and an Approach to Philosophy. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Dacres S, Haddadi H, Purver M (2014). Topic and Sentiment Analysis on OSNs: a Case Study of Advertising Strategies on Twitter. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Healey PGT, Purver M, Howes C (2014). Divergence in dialogue.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098598 QMRO: Milajevs D, Kartsaklis D, Sadrzadeh M et al. (2014). Evaluating Neural Word Representations in Tensor-Based Compositional Settings.. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Hough J, Purver M (2014). Strongly Incremental Repair Detection.. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Hough J, Purver M (2013). Modelling Expectation in the Self-Repair Processing of Annotat-, um, Listeners. SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue DOI: doi QMRO: Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R (2013). Using Conversation Topics for Predicting Therapy Outcomes in Schizophrenia. nameOfConference DOI: 10.4137/BII.S11661 QMRO: PURVER MRJ, Eshghi A, Hough J (2013). Data-driven Learning in an Incremental Grammar Framework. Linguistic Evidence DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R (2013). Investigating Topic Modelling for Therapy Dialogue Analysis. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Eshghi A, Purver M, Hough J (2013). Probabilistic Induction for an Incremental Semantic Grammar. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: Khaorapapong N, Cox D, PURVER MRJ (2013). Augmenting Real-World Social Networking with Vibrotactile Display. 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2013) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Haddadi H, Healey P, McCabe R et al. (2013). Healthcare Informatics for Mental Health: Recent Advances and the Outlook for the Future. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey P, PURVER MRJ et al. (2012). Finishing each other's ... Responding to incomplete contributions in dialogue. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R et al. (2012). Helping the Medicine Go Down: Repair and Adherence in Patient-Clinician Dialogues. 16th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Purver M, Hough J et al. (2012). Inducing lexical entries for an incremental semantic grammar. 7th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP’12) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Yuan Z, Purver M (2012). Predicting Emotion Labels for Chinese Microblog Texts. 1st International Workshop on Sentiment Discovery from Affective Data (SDAD) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Hough J, Purver M (2012). Processing Self-Repairs in an Incremental Type-Theoretic Dialogue System. 16th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SeineDial) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Purver M et al. (2012). Finishing each other’s ... Responding to incomplete contributions in dialogue. 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Purver M (2012). Whose turn is it anyway? Same- and cross-person compound contributions in dialogue. 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, McCabe R et al. (2012). Predicting Adherence to Treatment for Schizophrenia from Dialogue Transcripts. 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2012 Conference) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Khaorapapong N, PURVER MRJ (2012). An Assistive Device for Shy Users in Face-to-Face Communication. Doctoral Consortium at the 16th annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Khaorapapong N, PURVER MRJ (2012). Designing Unobtrusive Interfaces to Increase Naturalness of First Time Face-To-Face Interaction. 5th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Khaorapapong N, PURVER MRJ (2012). Icebreaker T-shirt: a Wearable Device for Easing Face-to-Face Interaction. 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Hough J, Purver M et al. (2012). Conversational Interactions: Capturing Dialogue Dynamics. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Battersby S (2012). Experimenting with Distant Supervision for Emotion Classification. 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2012) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Ginzburg J, Purver M (2012). Quantification, the Reprise Content Hypothesis, and Type Theory. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Purver M, Hough J (2011). DyLan: Parser for Dynamic Syntax. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey P, Purver M (2011). Tracking the Dative Alternation in Conversation. Structural Alternations DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Eshghi A, Purver M et al. (2011). Making a Contribution: Processing Clarification Requests in Dialogue. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Eshghi A, Hough J (2011). Incremental Semantic Construction in a Dialogue System. 9th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kempson R, Gregoromichelaki E, Meyer-Viol W et al. (2011). Natural-language Syntax as Procedures for Interpretation: the Dynamics of Ellipsis Construal. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19211-1_7 QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Purver M, HEALEY PGT et al. (2011). On Incrementality in Dialogue: Evidence from Compound Contributions. nameOfConference DOI: 10.5087/dad.2011.111 QMRO: qmroHref Eshghi A, Healey PGT, Purver M et al. (2010). Incremental Turn Processing in Dialogue. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Purver M, Howes C (2010). Structural Divergence in Dialogue. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Purver M, Howes C (2010). Structural Divergence in Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref (2010). Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue: SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Gregoromichelaki E, Meyer-Viol W et al. (2010). Splitting the ‘I’s and Crossing the ‘You’s: Context, Speech Acts and Grammar. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Howes C, Purver M (2010). Does Structural Priming Occur in Ordinary Conversation?. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kempson R, Gregoromichelaki E, Mills GJ et al. (2010). On Dialogue Modelling, Language Processing Dynamics, and Linguistic Knowledge. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Howes C, Healey PGT, Purver M (2010). Tracking lexical and syntactic alignment in conversation.. 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref (2009). Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Howes C, Gregoromichelaki E et al. (2009). Split Utterances in Dialogue: a Corpus Study. SIGDIAL 2009 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kempson R, Gregoromichelaki E, Purver M et al. (2009). How Mechanistic Can Accounts Of Interaction Be?. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref (2009). Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference, The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 11-12 September 2009, London, UK. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Tur G, Stolcke A, Voss L et al. (2008). The CALO Meeting Speech Recognition and Understanding System. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Gruenstein A, Niekrasz J, Purver M (2008). Meeting Structure Annotation: Annotations Collected with a General Purpose Toolkit. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Cann R, Kempson R, Purver M (2007). Context and Well-formedness: the Dynamics of Ellipsis. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/s11168-007-9033-3 QMRO: qmroHref Ehlen P, Niekrasz J, Purver M (2007). A Meeting Browser That Learns. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Ehlen P, Purver M, Niekrasz J (2007). A Meeting Browser that Learns.. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Ehlen P, Laidebeure S, Niekrasz J et al. (2006). Browsing Meetings: Automatic Understanding, Presentation and Feedback for Multi-Party Conversations (Demo). nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Weng F, Varges S, Raghunathan B et al. (2006). CHAT: A Conversational Helper for Automotive Tasks. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Ratiu F, Cavedon L (2006). Robust Interpretation in Dialogue by Combining Confidence Scores with Contextual Features. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Varges S, Purver M (2006). Robust Language Analysis and Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kempson R, Cann R, Purver M (2006). Grammar Formalisms and Explanations of Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Niekrasz J, Purver M (2006). A Multimodal Discourse Ontology for Meeting Understanding. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Weng FL, Varges S, Raghunathan B et al. (2006). CHAT: A Conversational Helper for Automotive Tasks. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Ehlen P, Niekrasz J (2006). Detecting action items in multi-party meetings: Annotation and initial experiments. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Ratiu F, Cavedon L (2006). Robust Interpretation in Dialogue by Combining Confidence Scores with Contextual Features. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Cavedon L, Purver M, Ratiu F (2005). Combining Confidence Scores with Contextual Features for Robust Multi-Device Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Pallotta V, Niekrasz J, Purver M (2005). Collaborative and Argumentative Models of Meeting Discussions. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Niekrasz J, Peters S (2005). Ontology-Based Discourse Understanding for a Persistent Meeting Assistant. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Niekrasz J, Purver M, Dowding J et al. (2005). Ontology-Based Discourse Understanding for a Persistent Meeting Assistant. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Mirkovic D, Cavedon L, PURVER MRJ et al. (2005). Dialogue management using scripts and combined confidence scores. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M (2004). The Theory and Use of Clarification Requests in Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M (2004). CLARIE: the Clarification Engine. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Kempson R (2004). Incremental Context-Based Generation for Dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Kempson R (2004). Incrementality, Alignment and Shared Utterances. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Fernández R, Purver M (2004). Information State Update: Semantics or Pragmatics?. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kempson R, Purver M (2004). Grammars with Parsing Dynamics: a New Perspective on Alignment. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Fernández R (2003). Utterances as Update Instructions. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Healey PGT, King J et al. (2003). Answering Clarification Questions. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Mills G, King J et al. (2003). Answering Clarification Questions. Proceedings of the 4th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue. Association of Computational Linguistics. Sapporo DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Healey PGT, Purver M, King J et al. (2003). Experimenting with clarification in dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Otsuka M, Purver M (2003). Incremental Generation by Incremental Parsing. 6th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref HEALEY PGT, Ginzburg J, Purver M (2003). On the Means for Clarification in Dialogue. Smith R and van Kuppevelt (eds) Current and New Directions in Discourse and Dialogue. Association of Computational Linguistics DOI: 10.3115/1118078.1118094 QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Ginzburg J, Healey P (2003). On the means for clarification in dialogue. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Purver M, Ginzburg J, Healey P (2001). On the Means for Clarification in Dialogue. 2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Ginzburg J, Sag IA, Purver M (2001). Integrating Conversational Move Types in the Grammar of Conversation. 5th Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (BI-DIALOG) DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref