Dr Stefan Poslad, BSc MSc PhDSenior LecturerEmail: stefan.poslad@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 20 7882 3754Room Number: Peter Landin, CS 329AWebsite: http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~stefanOffice Hours: Wednesday 10:00-11:00, Wednesday 11:00-12:00TeachingResearchPublicationsTeachingIntroduction to IOT (Postgraduate/Undergraduate) This module provides a comprehensive overview of the Internet of Things, also called machines, smart objects, smart devices and ubiquitous computers. These Things will support smarter interaction with physical environment things; smarter interaction with each other, virtual or cyber things and with humans. Form factors for smart devices will be based upon the form factors of Smart Tabs (Wearable centimeter sized devices, e.g., smart tags used to track good), Smart Pads (Hand-held decimeter-sized devices for personalised communication, e.g., tablets, smart phones), Smart Boards (Meter sized displays and surfaces for collaboration), and Smart Dust: MEMS (ICT devices can be miniaturised, cheaply manufactured, without visual output displays, ranging from mm to nm, that can be embedded into 2D & 3D surfaces or scattered into 3D spaces), Smart Skins (fabrics based upon light emitting, conductive, polymers, organic computer devices that can be formed into more flexible non-planar display surfaces and products such as clothes and curtains), Smart Clay (ensembles of smart dust and smart skins that can be formed into arbitrary three dimensional shapes as artefacts resembling many different kinds of physical object, including additive printing), and Smart Containers (use to house or transport goods or people. This module will define the core system architectures, including middleware to design single device and multi-device systems. It will also offer hands-on experience in labs to build smart device applications. Mobile Services (Postgraduate/Undergraduate) This module covers the motivation behind and development of Mobile Services, enabling students to understand the characteristics, motivation and opportunities for developing mobile user services while appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of developing mobile services using different software architectures. The module also covers the e-commerce and management issues associated with rapid development and deployment of mobile services.ResearchResearch Interests: Ubiquitous Computing or Pervasive Computing including smart-devices, smart-environments, personalisation, spatial-awareness, pervasive games etc Smarter and richer interaction between services,m devices and people including Web services, Semantic Web and MultiAgent Systems. Management of distributed systems including Internet of Things, Security, safety, trust and privacy for open distributed services Publications Wang X, Tokarchuk L, Poslad S (2014). Identifying Relevant Event Content for Real-Time Event Detection. 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2014) DOI: 10.1109/asonam.2014.6921616 QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/6661 Poslad S, Kesorn K (2014). A Multi-Modal Incompleteness Ontology model (MMIO) to enhance information fusion for image retrieval. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.inffus.2014.02.003 QMRO: qmroHref Zhang Z, Poslad S (2013). A new post correction algorithm (PoCoA) for improved transportation mode recognition. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2013.261 QMRO: qmroHref Wang Z, Poslad S (2013). A personalised online travel time prediction model. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2013.567 QMRO: qmroHref Wang Z, Poslad S (2013). Personalising live sports video zooming. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2013.578 QMRO: qmroHref Zhang Z, Poslad S (2013). Design and test of a hybrid foot force sensing and GPS system for richer user mobility activity recognition.. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3390/s131114918 QMRO: qmroHref Tavakoli S, Mousavi A, Poslad S (2013). Input variable selection in time-critical knowledge integration applications: A review, analysis, and recommendation paper. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2013.06.002 QMRO: qmroHref Tao R, Poslad S (2013). Delay sensitive distributed sensor data exchange for an IoT. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1145/2523501.2523508 QMRO: qmroHref Zhang Z, Poslad S (2013). Design and test of a hybrid foot force sensing and GPS system for richer user mobility activity recognition. nameOfConference DOI: 10.3390/s131114918 QMRO: qmroHref Wang X, Tokarchuk L, Cuadrado F et al. (2013). Exploiting hashtags for adaptive microblog crawling. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1145/2492517.2492624 QMRO: qmroHref Oshin TO, Poslad S (2013). LALS: A low power accelerometer assisted location sensing technique for smartphones. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2013.6831059 QMRO: qmroHref Patrikakis C, Pnevmatikakis A, Chippendale P et al. (2010). Direct your personal coverage of large athletic events. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/MMUL.2010.69 QMRO: qmroHref Liang Z, kersorn K, POSLAD S (2010). The USHER System to Generate Personalised Spatial Maps for Travellers. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Meng D, Poslad S, Zhang Y (2009). Intelligent Context-based Adaptation for Spatial Routing Applications in Dynamic Environment. 2009 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing DOI: 10.1109/dasc.2009.128 QMRO: qmroHref Poslad S (2009). Using multi-agent systems to specify safe and secure services for virtual organisations. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04879-1_18 QMRO: qmroHref Wang Z, POSLAD S, Pearmain A (2009). A Collective Director for Highly Interactive Viewing of Live Sports Events. EuroITV 2009 Workshop on Enhancing Social Communication and Belonging by Integrating TV Narrativity and Game-Play DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Meng D, POSLAD S, Wang Y (2009). An Intelligent Context-Aware Spatial Routing System in Mobile Environment. 5th Int. Conf. on Wireless Communication, networking and mobile computing DOI: 10.1109/WICOM.2009.5305165 QMRO: qmroHref Liang Z, POSLAD S, Barakos I (2009). Indoor Location and Orientation Determination for Wireless Personal Area Networks. 2nd Int. Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in GPS-less Environments (MELT 09) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04385-7 QMRO: qmroHref Wang Z, POSLAD S, Patrikakis CZ et al. (2009). Personalised Live Sports Event Viewing on Mobile Devices. 3rd Int. Conf. on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2009 DOI: 10.1109/UBICOMM.2009.25 QMRO: qmroHref Kesorn K, POSLAD S (2009). Semantic Restructuring of Natural Language Image Captions to Enhance Image Retrieval. nameOfConference DOI: 10.4304/jmm.4.5.284-297 QMRO: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/44603 Stjernholm M, Poslad S, Zuo L et al. (2007). An Ontology-Based Approach for Enhancing Inland Water Information Retrieval from Heterogeneous Databases. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/B978-044452973-2/50012-9 QMRO: qmroHref Poslad S, Zuo L, Huang X (2007). Multi-Agent System Technology in Distributed Database Systems. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/B978-044452973-2/50011-7 QMRO: qmroHref Poslad S, Stjernholm M, Zuo L et al. (2007). Review of Models and Technologies for Database Integration. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1016/B978-044452973-2/50008-7 QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Zuo L (2007). A Dynamic Semantic Framework to Support Multiple User Viewpoints during Information Retrieval. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Huang X, Zuo L (2006). Agent-Based Information Sharing and Semantic Information retrieval from Heterogeneous Databases. International Conference Business Knowledge Management, Macao, 26-28 October 2006 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S (2006). U-Commerce: Vision, Challenges and Technological Enablers [Keynote Speaker]. International Conference Business Knowledge Management, Macao, 26-28 October 2006 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S (2005). Developing Open Specifications for Secure and Safe Multi-Agent Systems [Keynote]. SASEMAS Workshop, AAMAS Conference, Utrecht, July 2005 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Huang X, Zuo L et al. (2004). The EDEN-IW Ontology Model for Sharing Knowledge and Water Quality Data between Heterogeneous Databases. 18th Conference EnviroInfo 2004 of German Informatics Scoiety (GI), Geneva, Switzerland, 21-23 October 2004 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Tan JJ, Poslad S, Xi Y (2004). Policy driven systems for dynamic security reconfiguration. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Tan JJ, Giosue V et al. (2004). From Message-Based Security Mechanisms to a Social Interation Model to Improve Safety and Security in Open Service Infrastructures. Safety and Security in Management Systems, 2004 SASEMAS-2004 Workshop at AAMAS-2004 Conference, New York July 2004 pp 102-109 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Titkov L (2004). Supporting Privacy for U-Commerce Tourism Services. Agents for Ubiquitous Computing (UbiAgents) Workshop at the AAMAS-2004 Conference, New York, July 2004 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Titkov L, Tan JJ (2004). An Ontological Approach to Harmonising Security Models for Open Services. Cybernetics & Systems 2004. Proceedings of 17th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, Austria DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Tan JJ, Titkov L (2004). Enforcing Privacy via Brokering within Nomadic Environment. Cybernetics & Systems, 2004. Proceedings 17th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systemts Resarch, Vienna, Austria DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Jensen C (2004). Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Trust Management, i Trust 2004 - Dimitrakos (Eds). nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Schmidt-Belz B, POSLAD S (2003). User-Validation of a Mobile Tourism Service. Proceedings of the Workshop "HCI in Mobile Guides"/Schmidt-Belz B, Cheverst K [Eds.], Udine, September 2003 pp 57-62 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Jan JJ, Titkov L (2003). Securing Agent-based e-Banking Services. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36609-1_12 QMRO: qmroHref Tan JJ, Titkov L, Poslad S (2003). Securing agent-based e-Banking services. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S (2002). Security, Trust & Privacy for Multi-Agent, Multi-Domain (MAMD) Applications [Keynote]. MATA'02 4th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, MA2002 6th IEEE International Conference on Monile Agents, Barcelona, 23-24 October 2002 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Laukkanen M, Helin H et al. (2002). Adaption to Wireless Data Communications in Location Based Services. 1st European Workshop on Location Based Systems (LBS-2002). IEE, Savoy Place, London, September 2002 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Zipf A, Schmidt-Belz B (2002). Creation of User-friendly Mobile Tourism Services. Schmidt-Belz, Barbara; Cheverst, Keith [Eds]: HCI in Mobile Tourism Support, Sankt Augustin DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S (2002). Security Trust & Privacy for Multi-agent, Multi-Domain (MAMD) applications (Keynote speech). nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Charlton P, Calisti M (2002). Specifying Standard Security Mechanisms in Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings AAMAS 2002 Workshop on Deception, Fraud and Trust, Bologna, Italy, 2002, pp 122-127 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref POSLAD S, Tan JJ, Bonnefoy D et al. (2002). The Agentcities Network Architecture. AAMAS 2002 Workshop on Agentcities, Bologna, Italy DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BIGHAM J, Poslad S, Borell J et al. (2001). A Practical Trust Model for Agent Oriented Electronic Business Applications. 4th International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research, Dallas, USA DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref D'Inverno M, Luck M, Boutilier C et al. (2001). Multi-agent systems research into the 21st century. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1017/S0269888901000169 QMRO: qmroHref