Dr Chris Phillips, BEng PhD MIEEE FHEAReaderEmail: chris.i.phillips@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 20 7882 7989Room Number: Engineering, Eng E208Website: http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~chrisp/index.htmOffice Hours: Tuesday 12:00-13:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00ProfileTeachingResearchPublicationsProfileDirector of Recruitment and Admissions (EECS) Programme Director (PD) of Computer Systems Engineering TeachingComputer Architecture and Networks (Postgraduate) The main focus of this module is software engineering and systems analysis. Students will learn about binary digital logic, essential aspects of computer architecture, the hardware/software interface, and computer networks, particularly the Internet. Content covers: Digital Logic and information representation in binary The Concept of a Stored Program Computer: the von Neumann Architecture and the Fetch/Execute Cycle The Memory Hierarchy and Caching The Concept of a Packet Switched Network: Internet Protocols Routing and Performance Issues with Networks Representative Internet applications such as DNS and the WWW (HTTP) Microprocessor Systems Design (Undergraduate) This module examines the structure, applications and programming of microcontroller and similar devices. There will be practical work on using the devices as part of the module. Aims: * To impart an understanding of the architectures of microcontrollers microprocessors, and PIC devices. * To impart an understanding of the design issues in using microcontrollers and similar devices. * To enable students to make an informed choice of microcontrollers or similar device for a particular application. * To enable students to use microcontroller devices in electronic circuits.ResearchResearch Interests: Internet Technologies (TCP/IP, Routing and G/MPLS) Optical Networking (ASON, OBS, Resilience, Connection Management) Network Security and Dynamic Virtual Private Networking Energy-Efficient Wired Networking Sensor Networks and Nomadic Computing (See http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~chrisp/publications.htm for more details) Publications Glass C, Phillips C, Dong S (2009). Layered connection management for dynamic all-optical networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2008.0531 QMRO: qmroHref Hamouda YEM, PHILLIPS C (2009). Biologically Inspired, Cooperative Target Tracking Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. London Communications Symposium DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Hassan A, Phillips C (2009). Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical WDM Networks. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Hassan A, PHILLIPS CI (2009). Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical WDM networks. 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 2009. ICSPCS 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2009.5306372 QMRO: qmroHref Hassan A, PHILLIPS C (2009). Improved PSO-based Static RWA Solver Avoiding Premature Convergence. London Communications Symposium DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Zhang J, PHILLIPS C (2009). Job-Scheduling with Resource Availability Prediction for Volunteer-Based Grid Computing. London Communications Symposium DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI (2009). Network operator independent resilient overlay for mission critical applications (ROMCA). Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2009. ChinaCOM 2009. DOI: 10.1109/CHINACOM.2009.5339912 QMRO: qmroHref Zhang X, PHILLIPS C (2009). On Designing the Overlay Topology of ROMCA(Resilient Overlay for Mission Critical Applications). London Communications Symposium DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Zhang X, Zhao Y, PHILLIPS C et al. (2009). Pre-configuration based QoS routing in GMPLS-based optical networksε. IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC2009) DOI: 10.1109/ICNIDC.2009.5360987 QMRO: qmroHref Hassan A, PHILLIPS CI, Luo Z (2009). Swarm intelligence based Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment for wavelength constrained all-optical networks. 9th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology, 2009. ISCIT 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ISCIT.2009.5340993 QMRO: qmroHref Hassan A, PHILLIPS CI (2008). Particle swarm optimization-based DRWA for wavelength continuous WDM optical networks using a novel fitness function. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/s10462-009-9142-5 QMRO: qmroHref Gao Y, Phillips C, He LW (2008). A GA Based Real-Time Resource Scheduling Algorithm. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/ICTTA.2008.4530199 QMRO: qmroHref Gao Y, PHILLIPS CI, He L (2008). DVM based Dynamic VPN Architecture for Group Working and Orchestrated Distributed Computing. Third International Conference on Digital Information Management, 2008. ICDIM 2008. DOI: 10.1109/ICDIM.2008.4746698 QMRO: qmroHref Zhang J, Phillips C (2008). Intelligent Roaming for Nomadic Computing. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/ICTTA.2008.4530179 QMRO: qmroHref Hassan A, Phillips C (2008). Static Routing and Wavelength Assignment Inspired by Particle Swarm Optimization. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/ICTTA.2008.4530150 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI (2007). A Review of High Performance Simulation Tools and Modeling Concepts. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kong HF, Phillips C (2007). Improved dynamic lightpath provisioning for large wavelength-division multiplexed backbones. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2007.899179 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Hassan A (2007). Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for WDM Networks. EPSRC PGNET2007, June 2007 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Zhang J (2007). Ubiquitous, Flexible and Distributed Computing. EPSRC PGNET 2007, June 2007 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Glass C (2007). Design-Based Algorithm with Selective Redeployment for Resource Management within Dynamis Optical Networks. WGN6: Workshop in G/MPLS Networks, Spain, April 2007 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Phillips C (2007). A review of high performance simulation tools and modeling concepts. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73908-3_2 QMRO: qmroHref BIGHAM J, PHILLIPS CI, GAMEZ D et al. (2006). Test data for anomaly detection in the electricity infrastructure. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1504/IJCIS.2006.011347 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, KONG H (2006). Pre-booking for Reduced Reservation Overhead in Long Haul Wavelength-Division Multiplexed (WDM) Networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/ip-com:20050285 QMRO: qmroHref Bigham J, PHILLIPS CI, Gao Y (2006). Dynamic VPN Architecture for Group Working and Orchestrated Distributed Computing. London Communications Symposium, September 2006 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kong HF, Phillips C (2006). Prebooking reservation mechanism for next-generation optical networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2006.876604 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Neophytou C (2006). Self-Healing Multipoint-to-Point Label Swtiched Paths. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications - ICTTA'06 Syria DOI: 10.1109/ICTTA.2006.1684752 QMRO: qmroHref Bigham J, PHILLIPS CI, Gamez D et al. (2006). Anomaly Detection in electricity Cyber Infrastructures. CNIP'06 International Workshop on Complex Network and Infrastructure Protection, Italy, March 2006 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Gao Y (2006). Dynamic MPLS/IP VPN with DVM [Invited Paper]. WGN5: Workshop in G/MPLS Networks, Spain DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Dong S, Phillips C, Friskney R (2006). Differentiated-resilience provisioning for the wavelength-routed optical network. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2005.861917 QMRO: qmroHref Phillips C, Marzo JL, Huen KH et al. (2006). Flexible distributed testbed for high performance network evaluation. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/TRIDNT.2006.1649199 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Kong H (2005). A Fast Two-Stage Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) Mechanism for Optimal Max-RWA Problem in Wavelength Constrained WDM Networks. 10th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications (NOC 2005), London, UK DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Kong H (2005). Pre-booking for Latency-Sensitive Service Provisioning in Future Long Haul Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) Networks with Dynamic Lightpath. 10th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications (NOC 2005), London, UK DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BIGHAM J, Phillips C, Shoop K (2005). Resource Management Employing Learned Pseudo-Delay for Multi-Service IP Networks. 10th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), London DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Gao Y (2005). Inter-Provider Dynamic VPNs. PGNET 2005, Liverpool DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Kong H (2005). A Two-Stage Routing and Wavelength Assignment Mechanism for Paths Calculations in Lambda Switched GMPLS Networks. Proceedings of IV Workshop in MPLS/GMPLS Networks, Girona, Spain DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Neophytou C (2005). Robust Multipoint to Point LSPs using the Partial Reversal Method. Proceedings of IV Workshop in MPLS/GMPLS Networks, Girona, Spain DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, dong S, peeters B (2005). Intelligent Connection Management. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Bigham J, PHILLIPS CI, Gamez D et al. (2005). Hybrid Workflow and Bayesian Networks to Correlate Information in the Protection of Large Scale Critical Infrastructures. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 121 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Kong HF, Phillips C (2005). Prediction and pre-booking for guaranteed service provisioning in future Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BIGHAM J, Phillips CI, Gamez DAO et al. (2004). Safeguarding Electricity Cyber-Infrastructures Against the Worm Threat. 2nd International Conference on Critical Infrastructures 2004, Grenoble, France DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref BIGHAM J, Phillips CI, Gamez DAO et al. (2004). Hybrid Workflow and Bayesian Networks to Correlate Information in the Protection of Large Scale Critical Infrastructures. WISP 2004, Bologna, Italy DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Bigham J, PHILLIPS CI, Gamez D et al. (2004). Hybrid Workflow and Bayesian Networks to Corrleate Information in the Protection of Large Scale Critical Infrastructures. Proceedings of WISP 2004, Bologna, Italy, June 2004 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Gao L, Neophytou C et al. (2004). MPLS: Challenges and Opportunities. MPLS Networks Workshop, Universitat de Girona DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Shoop K, Phillips C, Bigham O (2004). Agent-based sub-optimal routing in multi-class IP networks. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Djordievic I, Phillips C, Dimitrakos T (2004). An architecture for dynamic security perimeters of virtual collaborative networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/noms.2004.1317663 QMRO: qmroHref Djordjevic I, Phillips C (2004). Architecture for secure work of dynamic distributed groups. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/CCNC.2004.1286911 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS C, Dong S, Friskney R (2004). Differentiated-Resilience provision in Optical Networks. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Bigham J, Jin X, Gamez D et al. (2004). Dynamic trust management of semi-automated complex systems. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Shoop K, Bigham J, Phillips C (2004). Resource management employing pseudo-delay for IP networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1109/ccnc.2004.1286862 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Kong H (2003). Intelligent Pre-Booking for OPtical Burst Switching. INOC'2003 - International Network Optimization Conference, France, October 2003 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Neophytou C (2003). Dynamically Adaptive Multipoint to Point LSPs. Proceedings of the London Communcations Symposium, London - September 2003 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Kong H (2003). Pre-Booking for Optical Burst Switching. LCS'2003 - London Communications Symposium,London, September 2003 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Fincham W, Needham P (2003). The Role of a Smart Black Box. Smart Moving Conference - ITS (Inteeligent Transport Systems) 7-10 April 2003, NEC, Birmingham, UK DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Dong S, Phillips C (2003). Adaptive segment path restoration (ASPR) in MPLS networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-35620-4_6 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Dong S (2002). A Differentiated-Resilience Optical Services Model for Next Generation Optical Networks. ICWLHN 2002 and ICN 2002, Atlanta - August 2002 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Dong S (2002). A New Service Restoration Scheme in MPLS Networks. ICT2002, Beijing, China - June 2002 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Bourne RA, PHILLIPS CI, Zaidi R (2002). Automated Markets: Intermediation and Market Making. IEE & EPSRC PGNet2002 - June 2002 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Agyare-Kwabi R (2002). Hybrid Adhoc/Cellular Networking. IEE & EPSRC PGNet2002 - June 2002 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Djordjevic I, PHILLIPS CI, Dimitrakos T et al. (2002). Policy Driven Access Control over Distributed Firewall Architecture. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Bourne RA, Phillips CI (2001). Fast IP packet delineator. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/el:20011023 QMRO: qmroHref CUTHBERT LG, Schormans JA, Phillips CI et al. (2001). Applications of Neural Networks to Accelerated Simulation of Internet Type WANs. 17th International Telecommunications Congress, Brazil DOI: 10.1016/s1388-3437(01)80197-9 QMRO: qmroHref Djordjevic I, Phillips C (2001). Certificate-based distributed firewalls for secure e-commerce transactions. nameOfConference DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Bourne RA, PHILLIPS CI, Osinaike G (2001). Agent-based Dynamic Configuration of Differentiated Traffic using MPLS with CR-LDP Signalling. Proceedings of the 17th UK Teletraffic Symposium, Dublin, May 2001 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Lu X, Dong S (2001). Multi-Protocol Lambda Switched Fast Restoration for Meshed Optical Network. 17th UKTS, Dublin, May 2001 DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref Pitts JM, Schormans JA, Phillips CI et al. (2001). Accurate delay bounds for real-time IP services in presence of variable packet size. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/el:20010132 QMRO: qmroHref Holness F, Phillips C (2001). Dynamic congestion control mechanisms for MPLS networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1117/12.417485 QMRO: qmroHref PHILLIPS CI, Holness F (2001). Fast Acting Traffic Engineering [FATE] within MPLS networks. MPLS World Congress 2001 - Building the New IP Architecture DOI: doi QMRO: qmroHref SCHORMANS JA, Stewart R, Pitts JM et al. (2000). Analysis of local internet / enterprise networking multiplexer for on-off VoIP sources. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/el:20001265 QMRO: qmroHref SCHORMANS JA, Pitts JM, Scharf E et al. (2000). Buffer Overflow Probability for Multiplexed On-Off VoIP Sources. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/el:20000450 QMRO: qmroHref Holness F, Phillips C (2000). Congestion control mechanism for traffic engineering within MPLS networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1007/3-540-40019-2_22 QMRO: qmroHref Ma AHI, Schormans JA, Pitts JM et al. (2000). Design rules and equivalent capacity for buffering of Pareto source. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/el:20000913 QMRO: qmroHref SCHORMANS J, Pitts JM, Mondragon R et al. (2000). Design rules for buffering overlapping Pareto processes in packetised networks. nameOfConference DOI: 10.1049/el:20000757 QMRO: qmroHref