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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Dr Chris Phillips, BEng PhD MIEEE FHEA



Telephone: +44 20 7882 7989
Room Number: Engineering, Eng E208
Office Hours: Tuesday 12:00-13:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00


Director of Recruitment and Admissions (EECS)

Programme Director (PD) of Computer Systems Engineering



Computer Architecture and Networks (Postgraduate)

The main focus of this module is software engineering and systems analysis. Students will learn about binary digital logic, essential aspects of computer architecture, the hardware/software interface, and computer networks, particularly the Internet. Content covers: Digital Logic and information representation in binary The Concept of a Stored Program Computer: the von Neumann Architecture and the Fetch/Execute Cycle The Memory Hierarchy and Caching The Concept of a Packet Switched Network: Internet Protocols Routing and Performance Issues with Networks Representative Internet applications such as DNS and the WWW (HTTP)

Microprocessor Systems Design (Undergraduate)

This module examines the structure, applications and programming of microcontroller and similar devices. There will be practical work on using the devices as part of the module. Aims: * To impart an understanding of the architectures of microcontrollers microprocessors, and PIC devices. * To impart an understanding of the design issues in using microcontrollers and similar devices. * To enable students to make an informed choice of microcontrollers or similar device for a particular application. * To enable students to use microcontroller devices in electronic circuits.


Research Interests:

Internet Technologies (TCP/IP, Routing and G/MPLS)

Optical Networking (ASON, OBS, Resilience, Connection Management)

Network Security and Dynamic Virtual Private Networking

Energy-Efficient Wired Networking

Sensor Networks and Nomadic Computing

(See for more details)


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