Dr Athen Ma, BEng PhDSenior LecturerEmail: athen.ma@qmul.ac.ukTelephone: +44 20 7882 5153Room Number: Engineering, Eng E101Office Hours: Wednesday 12:00-14:00TeachingResearchPublicationsTeachingDigital Circuit Design (Undergraduate) The module covers: Number Systems and Codes; Boolean Algebra and Basic Logic Functions; MAP minimisation; Combinational Logic; Synchronous Sequential Logic; VHDL Modelling and Performance (Postgraduate/Undergraduate) Background material: probability, conditional probability, Markov models, Queue modelling of OS, e.g. multi-tasking, proof (and uses) of Little's law. Workload modelling: exponential versus Pareto; call centre analysis. Simulation-how to generate random numbers from arbitrary distributions, steady state versus terminating; output analysis; some simple simulation applications. Reliability theory: oriented towards electronic systems, though e.g. passive component failure, and then to microprocessor (embedded software) systems through s/w failures Network Science: introduction to the fundamental ideas in network science: graph theory, network metrics, network models, network robustness. Approach to modelling emergence and topological robustness of supply networks, communication networks and general human-technology interaction.ResearchResearch Interests: Please visit my personal webpage. Publications