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Doctoral College

Next big cohort day: Understanding the impact of your research

We are pleased to announce the next PGR Cohort Day to be held on 20th June 2023. This is aimed at PGR students in their second year (or part-time equivalent) and those who haven’t had a chance to attend this cohort day previously. The Year 2 PGR Cohort Day topic is “Understanding the impact of your research”.

POSTER OF Year 2 Cohort Day

This event gives PGR students the opportunity to find out about ‘impact’ and what it means to researchers, the college and the Research Councils, as well as to consider the impact or potential impact of their own research and how this can be communicated to others.

The 2023 Cohort Day will take place on Tuesday, 20th June 2023, from 10am to 2pm, as one in-person session. It will not be possible to join remotely, and no recording will be available after the event.

DC200 -2nd Year PhD Cohort Day: Understanding the impact of your research - will cover information on research impact and effective research communication. The successful contemporary researcher must be able to identify the various ways that their research is disseminated within academia and also how their research can inform public policy, practitioners, behaviours and organisations etc.

To register for the Year 2 PhD Cohort Day please go to and search for course code DC200.

2022/23 date – 20th June 2023



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